Posts in Singleness
A Remarkable Love Letter

God’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and kindness are all written on every page of the Bible. Through it, we get a glimpse of the Father’s love, an eternal, all-encompassing love that is not dependent on us but is, instead, freely given. Through Scripture, we can be part of the most remarkable love story ever told, a story of redemption, sacrifice, and newness that culminated in the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

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Are You Sure?

For years, I was happy being single. Naturally, during my years as a single Christian woman, I had crushes and possibilities, but inwardly, I thought that I was probably one of those Christians meant to be single my whole life. Instead of viewing this as a loss, I would instead get excited to think about all the people I could meet and help and all the trips I could take!

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Overflowing Joy at Home

A new topic has taken over my heart this month, and that is home. Home: A place where you feel loved and cared for, a place where you can be you. Whether or not this is your actual experience - to some it is a place of danger, or even abuse - we all carry a dream of home in our hearts.

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Will You Wait for Me?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of wait began. It was the summer of 2014, right in the middle of hot sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed.

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Surrendering Singleness

War movies take me back to childhood. Growing up with two brothers I have seen my fair share. I always loved it when one combatant flew a white flag. A white flag signals surrender. To end the fighting. Lay down of arms.  I have been on the hunt for my future husband for the past decade. I’ve been looking, then God spoke an important truth over my heart.

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The Perfect Season

My boyfriend wishes he met me sooner. I, on the other hand, am thankful for the time we met. Just like King Solomon wrote: “there is a season for every event under heaven.” I know that right now is God’s perfect season for me. Those fifteen years walking the path of singleness, He taught me to build my trust in Him and to keep believing that He would keep His word to me.

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Are You Ready To Meet Your Future Husband?

People often tell single gals that once you’re ready, God will send a husband into your life. But, what is “ready”? I struggled with that in my single years, often thinking that maybe the reason God wasn’t giving me a husband for so long was because I wasn’t ready for marriage. Or maybe my husband wasn’t ready. Maybe neither of us was ready, and so we had to wait.

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Transitioning From Singleness To Marriage

Let me begin by saying, I was single for twenty years. (Which doesn't sound like that much time, but a lot of life happened in those twenty years.) I was a self-described “strong and independent woman.” Singleness was amazing, though it was hard some days (I’m downplaying how often I cried in my car), but it was fulfilling to know I was focusing my time on serving God. Honestly, I expected there would be a much longer process between being single, and being in a relationship. Perhaps a couple of months of, “hmm, I could adjust to the idea of not being single anymore.” or something. Fireworks? A giant sign?

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Romans: Eager Expectation

We’ve all been in waiting seasons, when you’re somewhere you maybe no longer want to be, dreaming of someday. Or maybe you’re content with where you are, but your heart also longs for a different season, whether that’s a new job, graduating college, moving, falling in love, healing, starting a family, or becoming a mother. That feeling of longing and eagerly expecting something is what this week’s study is about.

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The Goodness Of Singleness

When I was a freshman in high school, my friend in the youth group made a bet with me that I would be married by the time I turned 25. While the bet was made partly in jest, the lingering idea that I could be married made me hopeful. So I followed Jesus closely throughout high school and college, avoiding the many temptations that encompass the college party scene, assuming the Lord would honor the bet by granting me a godly husband by 25. In my mind, I thought that I had to wait for a few months then God would lead a godly man that looked like Jess Mariano straight to my doorstep.

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Will You Wait For Me?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of waiting began. It was 2014, summer, right in the middle of hot, sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed. Rain began and thunder followed almost immediately. The line was long, snake-like, intimidating, never-ending.

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Gospel-Centered Singleness

Singleness. That word can feel heavy. Talking about singleness evokes many emotions and opinions. Sometimes this world looks at singleness as some sort of rare and life-strangling disease that can only be cured by excessive dating. I cannot tell you how many times I’m told statements like “any new man in your life?” or “have you tried putting yourself out there?” or “you’re just too picky!”. These statements place a painful burden on singles that make us feel we are missing out on something and even worse, feelings as if God is holding out on us. I know the temptation to doubt God’s promises is dangerously entrapping, but singleness is not a problem to be fixed, but a blessing to be cherished.

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