Posts tagged patience
Please Do Not Run From the Will of God

It’s not in your best interest to skirt around God and His commands. It is so genuinely terrifying to me in today’s Christian culture how obsessed the masses are with this idea of “do whatever makes you feel good!” or “if what you presume God is telling you to do doesn’t match up with the way things are typically done, then by all means, go your own way.”

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Waiting Patiently

When I was little, my neighbor had rows full of strawberry plants in her garden. At the time, I knew that people grew vegetables, but the idea that you could grow something as delicious as strawberries in your own backyard fascinated me. I would have been only slightly more excited to find out that you could grow chocolate.

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Dealing with Disappointment

Be honest with me for just a minute—have you had a moment (or two or eighty–three) during this pandemic with those you most love? Have you totally lost your focus, your emotions, and the tight reign you try to keep over your tongue? I have. I’ve had several of these moments, if I’m being honest, and just earlier this week I was in the throes of one such time. I have this issue that I am always working on, with having high expectations of people.

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Have Yourself a Very Patient Christmas

The holidays are a time of joy, family, celebrating, Hallmark movies, and Christmas magic. But it can also be a time that tries my patience like no other. Holiday traffic, crowded shopping malls, long lines at the post office, trying to find a parking spot at the grocery store, crazy family drama - the list goes on and on. Pretty soon, I’m exhausted and cranky, snapping at the checkout girl or stressing about a gift I still need to get. I can turn into quite the Scrooge if I’m not careful.

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