So many times, the stories we hear are of those who had the craziest testimonies and found Jesus. If that is you, I am so proud of you and excited to meet you here on earth or in Heaven one day! Many times, the ones that stayed under that umbrella don’t get as much of an opportunity to tell their side of the story. They don’t wear the scars of the past, but bear the blessing of obedience.
Read MoreI vividly remember driving across state lines, wistfully looking out the window of the car that was packed to the brim with my belongings, daydreaming about how my life was about to change. I had packed up the things I would need, and the things that meant the most to me, and was moving across the country to begin my first year of college. The world was about to see me as an adult, and I wasn't completely sure of what that would mean for me and the relationships I had with the people I held nearest to my heart – including God. But I knew that if I loved and trusted Him the way I said I did, that He would remain with me, even in this new chapter of my life.
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