I’m learning to be this kind of girl. It’s not easy. It’s a slow process of the bending of my will so it takes the shape of His. It’s the gentle loosening of my clenched fist. It’s a daily decision to say yes when every fiber of my being wants to go my own way. I used to be so afraid.
Read MoreSo many times, the stories we hear are of those who had the craziest testimonies and found Jesus. If that is you, I am so proud of you and excited to meet you here on earth or in Heaven one day! Many times, the ones that stayed under that umbrella don’t get as much of an opportunity to tell their side of the story. They don’t wear the scars of the past, but bear the blessing of obedience.
Read MorePaul was writing to his young friend and helper Timothy and today he decides to tell his story- what God had done in his life. We all have a ‘story’ don’t we? Apologist and evangelist J John says that as God’s children we should share that story with at least one person every day.
Read MoreThe 100 days of gratitude, heart shaped journal was just what I needed. I had often started writing my gratitude list and never got as far as 365, so the ‘100 days’ made me smile! That got me thinking, instead of New Year Resolutions for 365 days, how about doing something each week for the next 52 weeks. Once a week, sounds very doable right?
Read MoreJesus calls some to write a book, prepare a sermon, or start a podcast. He plans some to clean the toilets at church, design the cover page, manage the parking, or be a welcoming usher. As a college student, maybe he has called you to be a caring roommate and a hard-working student. At a particular time in my life, all I was called to do was be a loving wife and mother. Our roles change as we go through life. As we pray and wait on God, he shows us what we are called to do. He spells out our role!
Read MoreDr. Phillip’s personal family genetics with mental health, as well as her education, made her the perfect person to share this wisdom on mental health. In addition, I had a personal friend comment this book was incredible. She beautifully weaves nature, personal stories, the Bible, and scientific education. You walk away feeling more confident in understanding how your brain and body affect mental health.
Read MoreWhat do you do when you don’t know what to do? Cry? Scream? Freak out? Hide away? Turn to social media or the internet for answers? Life can be complicated and messy. Whether you are having trouble with a relationship, job, school, or something else, we are instructed not to turn to the world, but to the Lord.
When God always goes the extra mile with his boundless grace and overflowing love for us, shouldn’t we as his children do the same? Ephesians 5:1-2 tells us to “‘Be imitators of God and live a life of love’ for then our lives are a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God”.
Read MoreToday, I want to focus on just one which is Solitude. Last year I did a 9-month program where we learned and got to practice some of the disciplines. We had a solitude retreat. We took time to spend time with God rather than be in the word praying and for a prayer walk. The Bible tells us Jesus even took time to go spend time with God.
Read MoreYet, the relief God promises is real, an oasis of eternity, wisdom, respite, bounty, and growth. He is also with us every labored step of the way, unlike Satan, who will leave us alone in our pain, doubts, and confusion. We may perceive our experiences as a desert, but with and through Christ, we will arrive at a place of comfort, peace, and growth.
Read MoreCan we please take a moment to appreciate how amazing our God is? He is quick to answer our questions and guide us on the desires of our heart, if we should humble ourselves and seek Him with all entire heart and soul. Yesterday, I wrote this post on my struggles with modern and lukewarm Christianity and I ended the post with ambiguity of not knowing what to do other than pray.
Read MoreIn my renewed pursuit of growing my relationship with Christ these last few months, I've been praying about growing my dependence on God - yes, it's kind of weird to pray to God about having a deeper love for Him and a hunger for His truth, but it's what I wanted in my lukewarm state, so I prayed. And this weekend, God gave me a glimpse of that.
Read MoreI was saved on Halloween when I was five years old. Yes, you read that right. Although my family faithfully went to church, it took a salvation tract (a pamphlet, religious in nature, intended to share scripture and salvation with others) in my Halloween loot for me to make the decision to allow God into my heart. It was a cartoon called “The Fool,” about how only a fool won´t prepare for eternity.
Read MoreI am, at best, a lukewarm Christian. It's a hard thing for me to admit, but its the truth. I wish I was one of those people whose face just lights up all the time as they speak about Jesus. Maybe you've had the pleasure of being in the presence of such a God-obsessed person - glory practically oozes from their pores, their eyes sparkle and humility graces every word they say. They leave you inspired and a bit in awe.
Read MoreI have always been a sedentary person. Never one for sports, my preference was the company of good books and a comfy nook. There’s nothing wrong with that unless you let that preference lead you to a lifestyle of seeking only comfort and sedentary ease. Like I did.
Read MoreI love birthdays. Each birthday reminds me of God’s grace and love for me. A time to thank God for his protection.
When I was 20 years old, I was doing my Bachelor of Architecture. I went with my class of 22 second-year students on a 10-day tour to towns and cities along the west coast of India. We started in Chennai where we boarded the train.
Read MorePride is a tricky thing. It sneaks up on us and tricks us in thinking we're strong enough to stand alone, without God, and we never see the fall coming, no matter how many times we give in to pride.
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