Singleness is fun, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes you are just lonely. Lonely for someone you haven’t met yet. The first of this year, I felt incredibly lonely. I was lonely for the things I had in my grasp but seemed to still be out of reach. I desire to get married and going from dating back to being single is hard.
Read MoreGod’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, and kindness are all written on every page of the Bible. Through it, we get a glimpse of the Father’s love, an eternal, all-encompassing love that is not dependent on us but is, instead, freely given. Through Scripture, we can be part of the most remarkable love story ever told, a story of redemption, sacrifice, and newness that culminated in the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Read MoreWalk through the portal of the New Year, being careful not to repack the hurts of the previous year. He is doing a new thing!
Read MoreWhat do you do when you don’t know what to do? Cry? Scream? Freak out? Hide away? Turn to social media or the internet for answers? Life can be complicated and messy. Whether you are having trouble with a relationship, job, school, or something else, we are instructed not to turn to the world, but to the Lord.
An emotional boundary isn’t set in place to keep the other person “in line” or behaving in a prescribed manner; rather, the boundary is me giving myself permission to not give another access to my soul.
Read MoreWe’ve all heard the story of the innkeeper. He’s the bad guy in the story, right? The one we talk about who forced Jesus to be born in a barn. It’s interesting to me that he gets a bad rap. God started showing me how the innkeeper was a good guy in the story. He’s the one who gave what he had. He didn’t have a palace, but he gave what he had. That makes him a hero in the story and why he was given a place in the story.
Read MoreFor years, I was happy being single. Naturally, during my years as a single Christian woman, I had crushes and possibilities, but inwardly, I thought that I was probably one of those Christians meant to be single my whole life. Instead of viewing this as a loss, I would instead get excited to think about all the people I could meet and help and all the trips I could take!
Read MoreIn the early stages of dating there is a phase that we all probably walk through. This phase is called Rose-Colored glasses. It is when you are so caught up in infatuation and having a man pay attention to you that all reasoning and clear thinking goes out the window. We let things slide that are our core values.
Read MoreLike I said I don’t run so here, I am walking through singleness. I wish I could rush past this, but God has me in this season for a reason, and it’s only for a season. Seasons always change. After the winter comes the spring. We sometimes have to face the fire before we get the rain. Walking through singleness means you might face some fires before the rain. But going through the fires makes dancing in the rain with your significant other and every blaze worth it.
Read MoreHere at Tirzah, we get asked to do movie/book/music reviews from time to time. When I agreed to review the movie “Found & Lifted”, the only thing I knew about it was the context of God redeeming a woman who found herself divorced. This is a topic that can be controversial in the church and has people standing on different parts of this issue. We do not encourage divorce, except for Biblical reasons. This movie has definite grounds for divorce.
Read MoreI was a bunhead back in the day and loved every minute of it. I especially loved a good waltz turn! I have danced but never been dancing. There is a difference. When you dance you stand alone, but dancing, you are in another’s arms. It’s uncommon to find a girl waiting on God’s best when it comes to the guy she could spend the rest of her life with. It’s more normal to find a chick who dates around and lost her virginity four guys ago. That’s not me; I am waiting for God’s ultimate best. I’m not settling for a good time; I’m waiting for a man after God’s own heart.
Read MoreHow can we love better? Loving others is work. Love is fun. Love is rewarding. Love is sacrifice. Still, what does love actually look like?
Read MoreYou’ve heard the warning. Beware of the guy who wants you for your body. Watch for the one who leads you closer to the Lord. Run from the one who looks at you with lust. Well, I have a new warning for you.
Read MoreFriendship is something we all know, experience, and offer, but rarely is it something that we stop to truly think about. When was the last time you looked up a TED Talk on how to be a better friend or bought a book on improving your friendship skills?
Read More2014 dawned bright and I had love in my sights. I was searching for a man to walk into the future with, because I believed I needed a man to complete me. That fall, I was invited to a collegiate worship service at a nearby university. That’s where I saw him. He had dark hair, and eyes I thought held my future. I found out the hard way, that wasn’t the case.
Read MoreLike a growing number of people, I met my husband thanks to a dating app. Since things turned out well, I’m glad that I decided to try using the app, but I also spent a lot of time going on multiple dates with guys that were never going to work out.
Read MoreBridges of Madison County (1995), Notebook (2004), Sleepless in Seattle (1993), My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997), An Affair to Remember (1957). Have you ever seen these movies? If you haven’t seen them, I can’t in good conscience recommend them, they are very secular and represent lifestyles we as Christians should not seek to emulate. But let’s be honest, we’re all women here, more than one of us has clutched a tissue box or pint of ice cream and wept through one of these films. I mean, he wrote her 365 letters for a year! And she was hit by a taxi! Their love is just meant to be!
Read MoreFor those of you who haven’t been following along, this is Part 5 in a series about my journey to starting a home for teenage mothers. In Parts 1, 2, and 3 I discussed my family’s history and how it played a part in my journey. Part 4 was the introduction to how I journeyed through my first year of starting a non-profit. That’s the part where things get tricky.
Read MoreWhen we ask how do we change our life and become more foundational in truth rather than the word, we have to start first with reading the word. The more we read the word, the more God’s truth becomes ingrained in our brains. It’s not just God hearing our prayers but us speaking with him and the connection point is receiving the word in its totality.
Read MoreOur experiences in life shape how we move forward in the future and how vulnerable we are with others. Habits that we fed as we grew up have affected the daily choices that we make now. We are humans who live out patterns, and we can see that in our own lives because of the choices—or lack thereof—that we make.
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