Posts in College
Dear college student, seize the day...

As a newly minted college graduate who is still trying to figure out who I am in God and just life in general, as I look through my social media channels and the blogsphere and see people still in that college phase, I have this urgency to tell you to step outside of that college bubble. So here it goes - words that go against everything you're told and probably against what you want. But, I pray that you'll read this with an open mind and a love for Christ. That's all it takes for the Holy Spirit to work in you.

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Hospitality Across Life

Though intimidated, I admired her spirit and generosity. So we left our door open. As girls walked by to go to dinner, they would invite us to come, too. When they came back from their evening classes they would come into our room to talk. I remember one night perched on my bed, stunned by the number of girls that could fit into our tiny room. They sat on our desk chairs, and our beds, and spilled onto the floor. All because of an open door and my roommate’s welcoming smile.

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How to Bring God to College: Secrets From Your Professor

I vividly remember driving across state lines, wistfully looking out the window of the car that was packed to the brim with my belongings, daydreaming about how my life was about to change. I had packed up the things I would need, and the things that meant the most to me, and was moving across the country to begin my first year of college. The world was about to see me as an adult, and I wasn't completely sure of what that would mean for me and the relationships I had with the people I held nearest to my heart – including God. But I knew that if I loved and trusted Him the way I said I did, that He would remain with me, even in this new chapter of my life.  

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Dear College Grad,

It’s crazy to look back and see just how far you’ve come. As you walk across that stage, smile and know that every moment over the past couple of years has led you to who you are today. May you find His love and joy as you celebrate with your family and friends. And as you look ahead for all that’s to come, would you continue to trust that God is holding you in His hands.

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