God took those years of lack of wisdom and maturity and developed skills that allowed me to glorify Him more. This is your reminder, though, that the internet and this world have both light and dark. If you’ve been in the dark, God can still use that, redeem it, and bring glory.
Read MoreThe beauty of this online relationship is I found someone to reach other young women and teach everything we knew about the Bible. I was able to be my fully introverted self and we saw each other when we saw each other
Read MoreHospitality is others focused, and that is when we look more like Jesus Christ, when we focus on others, and not ourselves. As I have grown up, I’ve seen my own parents in action giving of their time freely, open up their home to strangers, give their money, resources, pray for others, laugh and cry with others and that showed me in action what true hospitality looks like.
Read MoreThe bottom line is that we must learn to take responsibility for the health of our own soul and learn to rest in Him. Cease wrestling and striving. One aspect of this is to recognize that I am not responsible for the management of others’ perceptions of me.
Read MoreJoin Alycia on a journey to explore how media in the 21st century shapes our lives and can be a tool for good.
Read MoreI want to remind you that “good” goals/tasks do not always equate to God’s will. The Bible states, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised” (New Living Translation - Hebrews 10:36). In whatever season of life you are in, make sure you are very close to Jesus and that you are making room in your calendar to hear His voice on a daily basis.
Read More‘Be perfect like your Heavenly Father is perfect’ says Jesus in the very last verse of Matthew 5. This is an important hinge in the chapters we call The Sermon on the Mount. Jesus’ kind of perfect was so very different from the ‘perfect’ defined by the world. Jesus not only described it, he modeled it for us.
Read MoreJust as I want to help my child and see him succeed, God wants the same for you. As much as I love my child, God loves His children more. Motherhood has shown me how much you can love your child and has given me a new understanding for how God loves us, his children.
Read More‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want’ took on new meaning for me. I am amazed at the dots which the Lord connects, just to provide for us. He loves us as if we were the only one on the planet! Look back at your own life and make a list of all the Lord has provided for you. Some of God's miracles are small, let us not forget them. Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will provide.
Read MoreThe circumstances in our life that we are confronted with on a daily basis has a tendency to define us; but when we daily roll the losses we encounter onto the shoulders of a God who loves us fiercely and intimately, we learn to walk in His strength and not our own.
Read MoreI suppose there are many of us who, at times in our lives, have questioned whether or not we took the right path. The varying degrees of this thought pattern are multifaceted and can range from “I wish I would have done such and such a thing” to “Where would I be if I had made this choice?” We treat our life as if it’s a cosmic “Choose Your Own Adventure,” forgetting about the variables that surrounded us at that time, variables that most certainly swayed us one way or another.
Read MoreThere is an abundance of self-help resources because we live in a fallen world. Yet, as believers, we can know and rely on God for help and share his Word with others who are hurting.
Read MoreGod is not carrying around a big stick to hit or prod us with, to get us ‘back on track’ so that we can be ‘doing everything right’. He is leading us with gentleness.
Read MoreWhen circumstances thin down our security, we need to be reminded that we are hemmed in by God, and our security is found in Him.
Read MoreWe can experience true rest when we spend time in God's presence praying or reflecting on his Word. God wants to give us rest; he wants us to have peace in his presence.
Read MoreSpring and summer are nearly here, although where I live, the last few days have felt like winter is gone for good. With the change of seasons, it reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.
Read MoreI love that the Bible has so many verses on joy and rejoicing. St Paul who wrote to the Philippians from prison says ‘Rejoice, again I say rejoice.’ When Jesus prays for himself, his disciples, and for us his children, he prays that we will enjoy the joy he enjoyed. Doesn’t that sound beautiful?
Read MoreIt was the beginning of February; Alana turned the calendar to the new month and felt a tug in her heart. She had started January with lofty goals that she would not join gossip sessions at work, and she had already failed.
Read MoreAs I previously mentioned, I truly enjoyed working as a labor and delivery nurse. It was a true joy to come to work everyday. Through the adrenaline rushes, slow moments, sweet moments, and stories that are engraved in my memory for a lifetime, it was a great job.
Read MoreLately, God has been guiding me to out of my comfort zone. And although I haven't actually taken any physical action to leave my comfort zone, God seems to be preparing my mind and my soul for some kind of big life change. And that both excites me and scares me.
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