Posts in Lifestyle

Hospitality is others focused, and that is when we look more like Jesus Christ, when we focus on others, and not ourselves. As I have grown up, I’ve seen my own parents in action giving of their time freely, open up their home to strangers, give their money, resources, pray for others, laugh and cry with others and that showed me in action what true hospitality looks like.

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My Need for God: Cultivating a Deep Relationship with Christ

I want to remind you that “good” goals/tasks do not always equate to God’s will. The Bible states, “Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised” (New Living Translation - Hebrews 10:36). In whatever season of life you are in, make sure you are very close to Jesus and that you are making room in your calendar to hear His voice on a daily basis.         

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When God Provides

‘The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want’ took on new meaning for me. I am amazed at the dots which the Lord connects,  just to provide for us. He loves us as if we were the only one on the planet! Look back at your own life and make a list of all the Lord has provided for you. Some of God's miracles are small, let us not forget them. Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will provide.

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I suppose there are many of us who, at times in our lives, have questioned whether or not we took the right path. The varying degrees of this thought pattern are multifaceted and can range from “I wish I would have done such and such a thing” to “Where would I be if I had made this choice?” We treat our life as if it’s a cosmic “Choose Your Own Adventure,” forgetting about the variables that surrounded us at that time, variables that most certainly swayed us one way or another.

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