The beauty of this online relationship is I found someone to reach other young women and teach everything we knew about the Bible. I was able to be my fully introverted self and we saw each other when we saw each other
Read MoreWhen God always goes the extra mile with his boundless grace and overflowing love for us, shouldn’t we as his children do the same? Ephesians 5:1-2 tells us to “‘Be imitators of God and live a life of love’ for then our lives are a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God”.
Read MoreOn our trip out west, we visited some of the national parks in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. As we were able to stand in awe of the magnificent creations, the above song always came to my mind. While I looked out at the views, I would find God there. As we watched the sun dip below the Grand Canyon, I could hear the many languages around me, and thought how cool it was that people of different nations and cultures all came together to witness God’s majesty together. When we would drive to our next destination of our trip, we would play worship music and enjoy the scenery, and I found God there, too.
Read MoreIf you cannot answer that question, it’s time to get out there! Find godly people and be open to being vulnerable, and begin living in the community. Ask God for direction if you are lost on where to turn. If you are able to answer this question, praise God! Thank him for the wonderful people in your life and then tell them you are thankful for them, too.
Read MoreTwo weeks ago, we had a discussion about 5 signs of a cult and being aware of what type of church you attend. There are many groups that are misleading or drawing people away from the church. However, there are equally a great number of churches that draw people to Jesus. It is important to recognize when you find a great church so you can plug in and be a part!
Read MoreI want to tell you about something I’ve noticed on the journey of building bridges and burning ships (part 1 here). Labels. They are so fun. When you meet a person you start to categorize them - the color of their skin, their age, their gender, their sexuality, or maybe what they do for a living. We don’t intentionally place people in a box - nonetheless we do. One of the things I’ve noticed in the modern-day church is an unintentional “burning ships”.
Read MoreI heard a statement recently from someone who has been hurt by another in the church. When I say "in the church," I mean within the body of believers that makes up the church, not the actual church building. That got me thinking about what we do when people hurt us.
Read MoreMany people love to compare Bible characters. Themes in churches and society tell us we can be just like these characters. They specify us to be just like a woman character in the Bible - or for men - a male Biblical character. However, we are called to be who God created us.
Read MoreA couple of years after finishing college, I decided to move to France to teach as an English assistant in elementary school. While I spoke French passably, it was definitely a transition to suddenly having to communicate with everyone in the language after not practicing since my last college class. It took me a month to feel comfortable enough to brave attempting to go to a church in France.
Read MoreHave you been wounded by another person who confesses to being a believer in Jesus Christ? Is that person in a position of leadership in a local church? Do you have “sanctuary scars” that resulted in you feeling anywhere from burned out to soul-scarred and physically ill at the thought of walking through your church doors again? First of all, I’m sorry you’re in such pain as you begin reading this. While I can’t remove the pain, both yours or mine. I hope to point us to the One who heals, cleanses, and restores.
Read MoreA memory popped up on my Snapchat, and I ended up down a rabbit memory hole, thumbing through my snap history back to when I first downloaded the app. The posts were snapshots of a girl with a smile, a witty comment, thriving through her high school years. Those posts offered tribute to a false narrative, the small controlled glimpse into my life I allowed my peers to see.
Read MoreIsaac. Many Christians know the story. God promises Abraham a son. He finally receives that son. Then, God does the strangest thing. He tells Abraham to take his promised son and kill him on an altar. Somehow, Abraham doesn’t even hesitate and goes to do what God asks.
Read MoreSeveral times in my life - for one reason or another - I have found myself in seasons during which I didn’t take communion. I moved and didn’t have a church home. I was travelling every weekend. Or I just felt disconnected from God
Read MoreThere are seasons when it’s tempting to give up and simply stop reading the Bible and praying entirely. Because you’re just not feeling it, so what’s the point? You try to pray, but your mind just wanders anyways. You try to read the Bible but get nothing out of it - it’s just words on a page. Maybe it will fix itself tomorrow. So, how do you get out of this funk? How do you find your way back to your first love?
Read MoreLast night my family took communion around our dinner table. Normally we do this at church, surrounded by other believers. But as we all know, things are not normal. Given the state of the current world, it is no longer possible to share this sacrament as we always have. My country, just like yours, has restricted the gathering of many people together.
Read MoreI struggled with friendships throughout my entire childhood. I was very quiet, more than a little shy, and extremely lacking in the confidence that helps most people in this area. I remember meeting my very first friend in kindergarten, though, and it was a girl I sat with on the bus. (Side note: I never even rode the bus except for maybe three times.) Her name was Allyson, and the first time I ever met her was a year before that in a vacation bible school at a nearby church. Her dad was the pastor of the small church in my area, and I was so glad that I saw a familiar face that day, in a sea of unfamiliar ones on that big, scary bus.
Read MoreThe convenience of a streaming church service can be a double-edged sword. Indispensable to those who cannot leave their bed, but a tool of temptation for the devil. I heard that whisper this morning: Why get up so early? It's cold and you deserve a break, and who will notice you anyway? Whether you go or stay won't make a difference. You're still going to watch the sermon online, it's not a sin to miss one week…
Read MoreIt was 10:55 and, as I circled the church parking lot in my new college town for the third time, I realized there was no way I was going to find a place to park in time. I rarely missed a Sunday back at home, but I couldn’t figure out any solution than to leave the parking lot and drive back to my dorm. While it might not have seemed like a big deal, I felt like such a failure for not making it to church my first weekend at college.
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