The beauty of this online relationship is I found someone to reach other young women and teach everything we knew about the Bible. I was able to be my fully introverted self and we saw each other when we saw each other
Read MoreWhen dating, we have two choices. We can either lose ourselves by compromising who we are and what God has made us be or lose ourselves by allowing God to shape us in his image.
Read MoreDo you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Do you find yourself constantly worried that you don’t deserve the life you have and someone is going to call you out on it? I’ll be the first to tell you that I often question my self-worth and God’s ability to use me. I’m currently knee-deep in the job-hunting trenches, and while I know that I am qualified for the positions I’m applying for, I still find myself doubting my abilities and feeling like a fake.
Read MoreThe question of, 'Who am I?' was answered not as, 'The (insecure) girl who laughs at inappropriate jokes to gain acceptance from her peers, but, 'Daughter of the King. Pure and lovely'. This journey was heartbreaking. I cried tears of repentance unto God, as I changed how I lived. I became acutely aware that we should never compromise our values in order to feel valued.
Read MoreWho are you? Have you ever taken a second and truly thought on this? What are some of your first answers that come to mind? Like many others, you may think of your role in your family, your career, your role in friendships, your gender, and your role in church.
Read MoreTwo things defined her, her marriage and her barrenness. No more, no less. She was the wife of a great man, who was called by God to do great things. Called princess at birth, Sarai was beautiful and privileged, yet despite these blessings there was one insurmountable issue – her. Barrenness put a boundary around her and defined her as a failure.
Read MoreSomewhere in my elementary years, I delightfully encountered bossy Mrs. Armstrong and the motley Herdman gang of ”The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” by Barbara Robinson. I remember feeling outraged as each unruly child bullied their way into the Christmas pageant roles - only to breathe a sigh of relief at the end as they truly portrayed their characters that first Christmas: messy and scared, but willing to give all they had. They might have been small actors in that play, but they played a big part in helping that community understand the true meaning of Christmas.
Read MoreSome of my fondest memories from my teenage years were sitting at my grandma’s table after school, having a snack, and chatting with her over a hot cup of tea. Looking back, I so cherish those days that I had with her as, sadly, she passed away not long after I finished high school. She was a woman from another generation and time. She didn’t go to work at a 9-5 job; instead, she stayed at home cooking, cleaning, and caring for her families needs. She handmade her children’s clothes and kept her garden immaculate. She was a homemaker and a dearly devoted one at that, which is something I will always admire about her. She was always my favourite!
Read MoreIs this another ‘single girl post?’ It is if you make it one; chances are, I have felt exactly the same way you have. This is pretty personal for me to write and I am somewhat reluctant to do it, but I am going to anyway because you may need to hear this.
Read MoreSeveral years ago, I had a conversation with someone that I heard was saying hurtful things about me behind my back. It was something I’d heard several times over the years and had already addressed it once previously before. But here we were again and I knew I needed to address this situation.
Read MoreI never knew I could deceive myself so well. That I could take such a good look at myself in the mirror and forget to even deal with the condition of my soul. Maybe this sounds deep for a Saturday morning, but after last night, I feel compelled to write this. As though maybe the thoughts that are all disjointed can coalesce into something meaningful. That maybe then, I'll be able to say, “Yes, that's what I'm thinking, that's what I need to change, that's where I'm struggling.” Goodness, I've never looked at myself so clearly as last night.
Read MoreRecently, I texted a friend to let her know I was thinking of her and to ask how she was doing. I got a typical response many of us get from people we know, “I’m so busy!” We continued our conversation and I said, “I hope you’re able to find some down time to rest.” And her response was, “Wouldn’t that be nice? But it’s not going to happen, I’m just so busy.”
Read MoreEven when we have sinned and are dirty, in God’s eyes, we are worth the same amount as the brand new iPhone just off the conveyor belt versus the used iPhone that needs a few Clorox wipes taken to it.
Read MoreWho am I? The question pounds from the moment I wake up to the second I fall back to sleep. I open my phone, and I am pestered by a thousand possibilities. Am I a writer? Am I an artist? Am I a linen skirt girl? Am I a leather jacket chick? Red or pink lipstick? Should I be wearing lipstick? Do I care about fashion trends? Who liked my posts? Did those people notice me? Do I need to get my name out more?
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