Know Your Worth

As humans, we are able to determine our own value. God gave us free will allowing us to make daily decisions, which molds us into the people we are. We can choose to listen to the lies Satan whispers in our ears, or we can listen to the truth God puts in our hearts.

Do you know how many different models of iPhones there are? 21. Some people are willing to wait hours outside a tech store to pay a large amount of money for the latest and greatest version of the iPhone. Then something strange happens. The pomp and circumstance fades, and the same model can be purchased for a hundred bucks on eBay. Stay with me here.

Even when we have sinned and are dirty, in God’s eyes, we are worth the same amount as the brand new iPhone just off the conveyor belt versus the used iPhone that needs a few Clorox wipes taken to it.

Luke 15:11-32 is about the story of the prodigal son where a son runs away from home and spends his entire inheritance on booze and women. After he uses up all the money and is sharing a meal with pigs, he realizes he should probably go home to his father, hoping his father could make him a hired hand. This lost son begins his journey home, and when his father sees him coming down the driveway, he has compassion for him. Now, this is where we begin to put the pieces together. This father has compassion for his son, even after he spent his share of the family money. Is that not what God does for us every time we sin and ask forgiveness? He has compassion on us.

When the son approaches his father, the son tells him, “I have sinned against you and Heaven. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” This son felt unworthy and did not feel deserving of his father’s love, forgiveness, and acceptance. When we come to the Lord truly ready to ask for forgiveness for our sin, do we not feel this way? We are humbled and feel unworthy of what He gives freely in return. However, God is a merciful and graceful God who shows us our value every single time. Just like the father of this parable, God has kept our placemat at the family table.

The definition of ‘prodigal’ is “spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.” You may only see waste and recklessness, but He sees you and your worth at the cost of the blood of Jesus Christ. He sent His own son to die for you; this is how much you mean to Him (John 3:16).

Let us begin to listen to God and how He defines our worth. He has given us an unimaginable gift. He will love us and cover us with His grace no matter what we have done or what has been done to us (Romans 8:1).

Know your worth (via Tirzah Magazine).png

As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, it has taken me quite a long time to come to terms with the simple fact that God’s love for me will not change no matter what happens. I am not, nor will I ever be perfect. In my perfectionism, when I would sin, I would become so overcome with guilt that I would worry for days, even after I asked for God’s forgiveness. Now, I am learning to humble myself and be quick to ask for forgiveness, but to remember to learn from my mistakes and move on. As a God-fearing woman, I know God has forgotten my sins just like the prodigal son (Psalm 103:9-12).

God has also sweetly taught me, and continues to remind me, that my worth is not defined by my relationship status. This has come with the use of a stern but loving hand on His part and sometimes many shed tears on mine. Jesus alone defines mine and your value. The world may tell us something different, but your relationship status, your family, your friendships, your bank account, your church, or your kids do not define your worth.

No matter what you have done in your past and no matter what is up ahead in your future, God will always let you come back to Him. I know it sounds crazy, but we serve a God that sometimes our human brains just cannot comprehend. Nothing you do can make God see you as any less valuable. Your worth is in what was done for you by Christ, not what you have done or has been done to you by people.

You were bought at a price, and that price was Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:20). So let’s start acting like it. Walk in the beauty and confidence of knowing God loves and treasures you - He always will. Honey, know your worth. Let me say it again for the ones in the back – know your worth. Now imagine me clapping my hands annoyingly with each word for emphasis – KNOW YOUR WORTH.

God knows what you are worth, do you?


Whitney can be described by the opening lyrics of a few Tom Petty songs. She's a good girl who grew up in a small Indiana town who loves her mama, Jesus, and America too. She practices medicine as a physician assistant at an urgent care. Whitney is a music enthusiast and leads worship at her church. She has a heart for people, and wants to help young girls and women find their worth in Christ rather than what the world says of them. Whitney loves a good dad joke, the outdoors, spending time with family and friends, Southern manners, working on her fitness, attempting Pinterest crafts, and cheering on Indiana University basketball.