
Two things defined her, her marriage and her barrenness. No more, no less. She was the wife of a great man, who was called by God to do great things. Called princess at birth, Sarai was beautiful and privileged, yet despite these blessings there was one insurmountable issue – her. Barrenness put a boundary around her and defined her as a failure. A failure as a wife and a leader. ‘How could God possibly say that they would bless all the families on earth (Genesis 12:3) when she was childless?’ she questioned herself day in and day out in a relentless mental battle. 

Try as she might, she could not redefine her flaws. 

She would only make a mess. Dividing her husband’s loyalties between her and her maidservant (Genesis 12:2) until she resented her actions and inflicted pain upon another (Genesis 16:6). Her heartbreak consumed her so much that all she could do was scoff (Genesis 18:12) at the thought that maybe, just maybe, she could be more than her barrenness. Was it possible? 

A wine press was his hiding place. Enemies surrounded and oppressed him day and night; his existence was impoverished and insignificant. Gideon was his name and fear was his nature. Marked as a forsaken Israelite, he defined himself as the least of the weakest (Judges 6:15). Small in his own eyes he questioned everything. Unworthy in his own heart, he fled behind his insecurities.

Try as he might, he could not redefine his fear. 

Doubt, fear’s friend, kept him constrained as he attempted to obey. Then just for a moment, he tried to break free. Until reality hit like a ton of bricks and he hid his actions to avoid man’s disapproval (Judges 6:27). A mighty man of valour? ‘Not in this lifetime’, he thought. 

A murderer in God’s name. Saul was distinctly a son of a proud Pharisee. An outstanding, up and coming member of the powerful Sanhedrin. His mission - persecuting and imprisoning any who would dare to compromise or contaminate Mosaic Law - especially those of the Way (Acts 9:2) like that heretic Stephen. He gladly cheered on this rebellious traitors death, knowing that his righteousness was well justified. It was apparent to all that his religious knowledge was formidable, his zeal unparalleled. 

Try as they might, he did not want his faith redefined, he knew better.

He sought to destroy them with unbridled determination. Sure that he was right. Sure that he was God’s servant. This would be his moment to shine. 

Then a light shone on him that dispelled the darkness and unveiled the truth (Acts 9:3-9).

Lack, fear and pride defined these three. Their only commonality is their failure. It so often defines us in ways we can’t comprehend or see. Until we meet Jesus.

It took just one encounter for Sarah, Gideon, and Saul, to be redefined by HIM.

Far from perfect and ready for that moment; in fact, their best selves were missing-in-action. They were bitter, fragile, and egotistical until… God showed up with one purpose, to redefine them into who He truly desired them to be. 

Sarai, once defined by failure, was redefined as Sarah – God’s princess of faith (Hebrew 11:11). No longer bound by her body’s frailty, one encounter with Yahweh – the Lord of Heaven and Earth saw her partner with the impossible to birth a miracle. 

Gideon once defined by fear was redefined as fierce (Judges 7:20). Peace, that surpassed all understanding, reinvented his world. He quickly discovered that the antidote to fear was peace. So lavish was God’s gift that he became God’s mighty warrior before he could count himself out of the game any longer.

Saul, once willingly defined by superiority, was redefined as one surrendered (Acts 9:6). Humbled by the truth and grace that only comes from a true encounter with God; this newly defined Paul is no longer a powerful Sanhedrin member but the least of all the apostles (1 Corinthians 15:9) in the service of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

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So, here is what matters – regardless of what or who has tried to define you the good news is we are a new creation and the old has gone (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

Paul teaches us (and he would know) that right now, right here, you are redefined as being in Christ. This means that you are holy and good, just as He is holy and good. You may not always act that way, remember they were not perfect too, but your actions do not define you, Jesus now defines you. The more you allow this truth to break through your past self-definitions the less you will act otherwise. 

Grab hold of this truth. You are redefined by the wonderful, loving saving grace of Jesus Christ. As you believe this, you will be able to birth miracles, fight armies and preach salvation to the nations. When we believe what God says about us, we walk in the destiny that He has for us, and before we know it the one true remarkable God will redefine our once unremarkable lives powerfully.


Charissa Steffens is a teacher with a background in business and publishing. Passionate about strengthening the Body of Christ she holds a Master of Arts (Biblical Studies) and ministers through the spoken and written word. She writes for the love of it at her blog And is oh so happily married to David with whom has two beautiful children, Elisha and Lucas.