Better Together

“Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” - Colossians 3:11

Many people love to compare Bible characters.  Themes in churches and society tell us we can be just like these characters.  They specify us to be just like a woman character in the Bible - or for men - a male Biblical character.  However, we are called to be who God created us.  When Peter walked on water, he wasn’t thinking how much he was like Moses parting the Red Sea.  He did what God called Him to do.  When you begin to compare yourself to a Bible character or to someone else’s story, I want to remind you that you were created to be YOU!  There will never be another story like yours and it will have twists and turns you never saw coming.  Don’t let today’s voices on  gender, race, and social media posts; keep you from living your story.

In an age of feminism, where we ask women who can be the loudest standing up for rights and sticking it to the man, I’m asking you who can be the humble servant for the Lord. Here’s the thing, God has called us “for such a time as this” as we were taught from the book of Esther.  I love that women are movers and shakers.  However, I don’t love when women believe that men can’t get the job done without them or that men can’t be trusted to  lead.  I also don’t love when we create a generation of men who live under the idea that they can’t hear God’s voice for themselves and leadership isn’t for them.  Equally, I don’t love a generation that tells women they can’t hear from God without a man or that their sole purpose is to fulfill the needs of only their family and not those around them.

In an age of racial divide, REFUSE to follow the narrative that your race limits you or gives you privilege.  Treat everyone as equal.  My parents were teenage parents and from one of the poorest areas in the country.  If I lived according to what society and statistics told me, I wouldn’t have graduated college and been able to break generational cycles with my family’s help.  To the young black woman who is being told right now that they are oppressed, refuse to listen to the voices and rise above that to hear your Father’s voice tell you that you are loved.  I could continue to go on in this route, but why let the world contain your viewpoints?  Let your Father control the narrative.

In an age of gender confusion, REFUSE to follow gender trends of this world .  Don’t allow that to make you believe you were born in the wrong body or are attracted to the same gender.  If you get along with the opposite gender, refuse to let the world tell you that you were supposed to be that.  Don’t listen to the narrative that says you have to be close friends with one gender over the other either.  Be friends with who God is calling you to be friends with.  Boundaries extend in friendships with both genders.  Finally, in an age that wants to inundate you with stories and roles of who you should be, allow the HOLY SPIRIT to tell you.  Allow Him to advise you on what your story is, who your people are, and why you were created.

This happens when you seek Christ and His kingdom first (Matt. 6:33).  It happens when you see a need in your community and meet it (Jam. 1:27).  This happens when you join organizations, like Tirzah, with your sisters in Christ to band together to create a culture that uses your God-given talents to empower your sisters in Christ to love every man and woman you encounter.  It happens when you listen to God’s command to love your brothers. 

This happens when you move beyond gender and racial divides to create a bride of Christ here on earth whose foundation breaks the mold of what the world creates.  Let’s be a generation that uses the unique stories God has given us to build His eternal kingdom while here on earth.

In an age of feminism, racial divide, gender equality, and gender confusion, let’s be a new generation.  This is a call to be a generation walking in the fullness of the gifts God has given you.  A generation called to walk in UNITY and be better together.


Alycia Marie is a free-spirited wanderer learning to find roots. She currently resides in Milwaukee and serves the community of southeastern Wisconsin. You can typically find her outdoors, as long as it’s warm, hanging out with family/close friends and meeting soon-to-not-be strangers. In her spare time, she writes, drinks chai tea, and builds non-profits, homes, families, and people. Some people like to call it missions. She prefers well-digging.