Posts tagged healing
Encountering The Game Changer

No other year has the message of Easter hit home like it did this year. A few weeks out from the holiday, my sister texted me the concerning news that my two-year-old niece was unwell. They had admitted her to the hospital for pneumonia. We prayed for her and believed that she would recover. A week later, unexpectedly, my niece’s health took a dramatic turn for the worse and within a few short hours, her life hung in the balance.

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Scars From The Sanctuary: Navigating Church Hurts

Have you been wounded by another person who confesses to being a believer in Jesus Christ? Is that person in a position of leadership in a local church? Do you have “sanctuary scars” that resulted in you feeling anywhere from burned out to soul-scarred and physically ill at the thought of walking through your church doors again? First of all, I’m sorry you’re in such pain as you begin reading this. While I can’t remove the pain, both yours or mine. I hope to point us to the One who heals, cleanses, and restores.

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Beyond Forgiveness

Forgiveness is arguably one of the most challenging instructions that Jesus gave us to follow. Logically, we understand that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23) and that to be forgiven we need to be willing to forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15). It seems as if the issue is straightforward, and if we did what Jesus said, life would be peachy. Why then do so many of us, me included, find it hard to move beyond forgiveness?

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Top 5 Benefits Of Reading The Bible Daily

Through most of my teenage years and into my twenties, I spent a lot of time wanting to hear from God - I needed direction on what to major in, what job to accept, whether I should go to law school, where I should live, who (and if) I should marry. People told me to read my Bible and pray - that it’s where I could find the answers I was seeking, but for years, I couldn’t find them there either. 

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