Posts tagged depression
Loving Someone with Anxiety

Even before the world was struck with the COVID-19 pandemic, many people already struggled with anxiety. However, this pandemic has exacerbated those feelings of worry, uncertainty, nervousness, and fear in both Christians and unbelievers. The difference between us and those who are lost, is that we can hold onto God’s truths for our lives even when we feel like we are in utter despair.

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When Bible Study Is Hard & How To Get Out of a Dry Spiritual Season

There are seasons when it’s tempting to give up and simply stop reading the Bible and praying entirely. Because you’re just not feeling it, so what’s the point? You try to pray, but your mind just wanders anyways. You try to read the Bible but get nothing out of it - it’s just words on a page. Maybe it will fix itself tomorrow. So, how do you get out of this funk? How do you find your way back to your first love?

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Finding Help in a Broken World

Although many good things came out of 2019, there was also a massive rise in tragic events, and in particular, the rates of suicide.  In New Zealand, where I’m from, over the past year, suicide statistics have increased drastically. It appears people are feeling more helpless and alone in this world than ever.  In cases of suicide, families are left broken and grieving and so for many, the new year brings painful reminders of the previous year’s tragedies.  

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