Trusting in God will increase your confidence in approaching Him. God has always been faithful. This verse follows the reassurance that if you believe what God says is true and you put your trust in Jesus, you have eternal life. That promise is where our confidence and trust come from.
Read MoreWhen you feel your joy being depleted, no matter the cause, remember your joy comes from the Lord. Happy is an emotion and changes just as quickly as a traffic pattern, but joy, true joy, is from the Lord.
Read MoreThe Bible tells us that we can be set free of everything because of Jesus on the cross. When we feel anxious, we know we can go to him and tell him why we are anxious and ask for peace and whatever we need.
Read MoreDr. Phillip’s personal family genetics with mental health, as well as her education, made her the perfect person to share this wisdom on mental health. In addition, I had a personal friend comment this book was incredible. She beautifully weaves nature, personal stories, the Bible, and scientific education. You walk away feeling more confident in understanding how your brain and body affect mental health.
Read MoreIf we let our feelings control us, we are giving the devil a foothold. A door opens and the devil will use that door to trap us in our emotions. The devil knows what sets our emotions off, he knows our weakness, he knows our unhealthy coping skills… When we submit our troubles to God, He promises to deliver us from our troubles and the pain we may be feeling, whatever that may be
Read MoreWhen circumstances thin down our security, we need to be reminded that we are hemmed in by God, and our security is found in Him.
Read MoreGod is ultimately in charge of our futures, even when it doesn’t seem like it. He knows our thoughts and our desires. Instead of worrying, we should pray about our futures and ask God to guide us. We don’t need to figure things out on our own.
Read MoreGod wants us to surrender our all to him. He wants us to put up a white flag and give him everything.
Read MoreWere you raised or are you raised by the mother who accommodates for every need? She has sunk her whole identity into being a wife or a mother. Does the thought of losing yourself completely to motherhood scare you? Rachel talks about setting strong boundaries, so your identity remains grounded in Christ and also loving your children fully.
Read MoreAs a kid I loved stickers. Every single sticker I could get my hands on got a place of honor in my Lisa Frank sticker book. Mostly they were random “good work” stickers from school or a smiling tooth giving a thumb’s up from the dentist’s office. And 90s kids, remember the sticker boxes? They opened like a treasure chest to reveal several individual compartments filled with rolls and stacks of colorful, sparkly stickers.
Read MoreEven before the world was struck with the COVID-19 pandemic, many people already struggled with anxiety. However, this pandemic has exacerbated those feelings of worry, uncertainty, nervousness, and fear in both Christians and unbelievers. The difference between us and those who are lost, is that we can hold onto God’s truths for our lives even when we feel like we are in utter despair.
Read MoreIn times of isolation, quietness, and solitude, the noise of this world becomes amplified and the lies of the enemy can become overpowering leading to anxious thoughts, thoughts doubting God’s goodness, and hesitation to fully embrace the identity of who God says we are.
Read MoreThere are seasons when it’s tempting to give up and simply stop reading the Bible and praying entirely. Because you’re just not feeling it, so what’s the point? You try to pray, but your mind just wanders anyways. You try to read the Bible but get nothing out of it - it’s just words on a page. Maybe it will fix itself tomorrow. So, how do you get out of this funk? How do you find your way back to your first love?
Read MoreEverything is uncertain in this world right now. No one’s health or life is guaranteed to be spared from this virus. The job market and economies around the world are plummeting. Maybe you’re feeling the anxiety or stress of potentially losing your job. Maybe you’re graduating this spring and are wondering what kind of job market will be waiting for you come summertime.
Read MoreFog. God has been using this natural phenomenon to give me perspective for many years now. This past week has been different. With the many historical changes occurring in our nation in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, and working in healthcare myself, I could not help but feel overwhelmed.
Read MoreI was a young Christian and dutiful to follow the Christian checklist exactly. I glued my eyes to the page. I read this verse with all my might and slowly, so that I would not miss one single word of it. But however hard I tried to read and get it in my head, I could not seem to understand it with my heart.
Read MoreAnxiety has become a buzzword in society. Everywhere we look we see people openly admitting that they have anxiety, followed by their recommendations on how to alleviate it. It’s almost becoming a normal thing to have some sort of mental illness and declare it across social media. Let’s not forget the jokes suggesting things like needing a Xanax to calm down from a day.
Read MoreWorry and stress are seemingly inescapable. Even if you have a relaxed personality—which I for the record do not—you will still face numerous changes that are just part of life and will create stress. If you are already more prone to worry, then any event can cause you to become more and more anxious.
Read MoreThe topic of anxiety is one that pulls at my heart like no other could. But I’m going to be honest, I don’t suffer from anxiety like most people do. I suffer from the outside looking in. I see people I love being swallowed whole by this epidemic, and I feel so powerless… but am I?
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