Balancing It All in College


Balance - we all want it and all need it. Imagine a seesaw. You are on one end and a friend is on the other. With your weights being about equal everything is going great. All of a sudden it hits the ground.  How can that happen when your both still on it? Turns out the middle was loose and collapsed. Probably weren't even thinking about that were you? All you assumed is that the two of you had equal weights and that is all you needed. That's kind of how it is in life. Especially in college. All your homework is getting done. Classes are great. Weekends are full of studying with amazing friends and living life. Everything is going smoothly until it's not. That is the moment you realize the bottom is pulled out. During college it is easy to put off God.  You push him off and say when school is done there will be more time for Him.  The reality is - that's not how how it works. There are always excuses. It's not just a college thing. Later in life it becomes work. Then kids. Put God first now and it will be much easier than if you wait until your world falls apart.  Maybe that's a little dramatic but you will notice a difference if you do not prioritize Him.  Here are a few tips for making God a priority.

Schedule time.

One of the best ways to make time for Jesus is to schedule it. In college many things come up. There is one thing you can count on - classes. You know when they are and what time to show up. Treat your time with God the same way.  Write in a time in your planner every day. For me, I read my Bible when I wake up in the morning and then pray before bed. This is a great way for me to remember and plug into my planner. Remember:

Truly my soul finds rest in God... - Psalm 62:1

Find a church.

A church is a great way to connect to others. In college you will find yourself surrounded by many of similar ages. The church allows you to be around people of a variety of ages. You can learn from kids, families, and seniors alike. It is also built in time with God.  The Bible says:

not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another... - Hebrews 10:25

When you surround yourself with Christians of all ages you can be encouraged in your journey. You also can pour into others in your community - not just your campus as well. This is a great way to prioritize God.

Join a Christian college group.

This is a fun and great way within your campus to prioritize God. You can check out this link to see if your school has a local Campus Crusade. When you want to find events on campus to do - you can find some through Cru. This is a great way to find yourself some wonderful Christian friends. People you may even get to go to classes with!

Whether your venturing into college, starting a career, or starting a family make sure you are prioritizing God.

In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. - Prov. 3:6

Remember to prioritize God before you lose your equilibrium. When you choose to follow Him during the early years and you will find that life is full of a lot more joy. You will also find it easier to navigate the stresses of college. What do you do to prioritize God in your life?