Singleness is fun, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes you are just lonely. Lonely for someone you haven’t met yet. The first of this year, I felt incredibly lonely. I was lonely for the things I had in my grasp but seemed to still be out of reach. I desire to get married and going from dating back to being single is hard.
Read MoreIt’s not in your best interest to skirt around God and His commands. It is so genuinely terrifying to me in today’s Christian culture how obsessed the masses are with this idea of “do whatever makes you feel good!” or “if what you presume God is telling you to do doesn’t match up with the way things are typically done, then by all means, go your own way.”
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why certain things happen to other people but not you? Have you ever been put into a situation with others where you felt the need to be the absolute best? Or maybe you have felt like your options were limited, and if that’s the case, you always seem to end up with the short straw. Well sister, let me just say - I hear you! There were plenty of times where I have felt these feelings and it is not only damaging to the soul and your perspective on life, but also to the understanding of who God really is and the abundance he has for us.
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