Romans: Eager Expectation
Read Romans 8:18-27
We’ve all been in waiting seasons, when you’re somewhere you maybe no longer want to be, dreaming of someday. Or maybe you’re content with where you are, but your heart also longs for a different season, whether that’s a new job, graduating college, moving, falling in love, healing, starting a family, or becoming a mother. That feeling of longing and eagerly expecting something is what this week’s study is about.
Read Romans 8:18-27 and journal through the following questions this week:
Circle, underline or highlight any words or phrases/concepts that are repeated in this passage. Based on this, what are the common themes in this passage?
You may have noticed that the words “hope” and “wait” are common concepts in this week’s passage. Write out the Greek definitions for each phrase (links provided):
Hope (elpizó)
Wait (apekdechomai)
How do these definitions enhance your understanding of this passage?
Give an example of what it looks like to eagerly wait for something.
What is creation waiting for? (v. 21, 23) See also 1 Corinthians 15:25-58
Read Isaiah 11:6-9. How does Isaiah 11:6-9 describe the redemption of creation on that day?
When will this happen? (v. 19)
Why can we be confident in this hope for future glory?
How should we wait for this day as believers? (v. 23, 25)
In verse 23, Paul says we have a taste of the glory to come (“the firstfruits of the Spirit”). What does this mean? See 2 Corinthians 1:22 and 5:5; Ephesians 1:14
Verse 24 says that we are saved in this hope for future glory and redemption. Does this mean we are not yet saved? Why or why not? See also 1 Timothy 4:10, Philippians 1:6, Romans 10:9 and Matthew 25:31-46
As we wait, how does the Holy Spirit help us? (v. 26-27)
What are “groanings which cannot be uttered”? (v. 26) Read through these commentaries for more context. Note, some interpret this to mean the spiritual gift of tongues. See 1 Corinthians 14:2 and 14-15 to study this in more depth.
What does intercession mean?
Why is the Holy Spirit’s intercession perfect? (v. 27)
Read Lamentations 3:21-33. What does this passage tell us about waiting on God?
What does this week’s passage tell us about how we should view the material world while we wait for eternity?
Reflect & Respond
What does this passage teach me about God?
How does this change the way I live?
Scripture to memorize
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” -Hebrews 11:1
Yelena is the founder and editor in chief Tirzah. Yelena works as an attorney in tax and in her spare time, she is working on her first book for unmarried twenty-something women in extended waiting seasons and running Tirzah. She has a passion for pointing young women to Christ, and enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family. Yelena lives in Indiana with her husband, Daniel.