What is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question throughout the course of my life. Time and time again, I have been reminded what lasting love looks like by looking in God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV, I have been able to read, see, and feel what true love looks like. It isn’t just some reading that is popular at weddings and it isn’t just some nice sounding script that looks good on a Pinterest plaque. It is a description of who God is while also being a guidebook for how we are to love. While the first aspect of love in 1 Corinthians is being patient, the second characteristic of love is being kind, and listed right behind these is “love does not envy”.
Read MoreWhat is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question throughout the course of my life. Time and time again, I have been reminded what lasting love looks like by looking in God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV, I have been able to read, see, and feel what true love looks like. It isn’t just some reading that is popular at weddings and it isn’t just some nice sounding script that looks good on a Pinterest plaque. It is a description of who God is while also being a guidebook for how we are to love.
Read MoreHave you ever found it difficult to get into the right mindset for devotional time with God? I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to focus on just one thing at a time. It seems like there are twenty-four tabs open in my brain all the time.
Read MoreWe are a group of eight friends. Wives, mothers, grandmothers from different parts of the world with one common bond. We all love Christ and met through Bible Study Fellowship in Auckland several years back. Now, though we are no longer in the same Bible study group, we meet once every other month. We try to make it fun each time- a picnic, a swap party, a shared meal, coffee and cake and during the lockdown we even met on zoom sessions a couple of times!
Read MoreAs I read through the book of Genesis, my heart would speed up when I came across a woman’s name. I was inspired by faith’s forefathers, but was eager to hear how women participated in establishing our faith foundation.
Read MoreIt was the fifth consecutive day I woke up with a headache. After trying my own remedies and finding them all useless, I asked my father, a general practitioner with over 50 years of experience. Dad said that early morning headaches were often caused by worry.
Read MoreWhat is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question for years. It has been present in the back of my mind starting with my broken family when I was a teenager and continuing through my many broken relationships and deaths of family members and friends over the years.
Read MoreAbove is a passage from the Bible about what spiritual fruit should be flourishing within you as a Christian. There's the obvious, but no less important, ones like love and joy and peace. Then there's long suffering (which is also known as patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. And then there is gentleness: the one I struggle with the most.
Read MoreIt’s summertime and now seems like the perfect time to settle in for a good series on Netflix, am I right? Is that just me? I have to be really careful in this carefree season of relaxation and a lighter schedule, because if I’m not, I could easily spend all day long binge-watching my favorite shows. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, necessarily, but moderation is a good thing to consider. That being said, I am trying to be mindful of what I fill my mind with and how I spend my time.
Read MoreI went into marriage with a lot of romantic, but vague, ideas about what a marriage would be like. A few years in, I’ve since found that marriage is very different from what I imagined. I’ve learned a lot, but one thing I was surprised to discover is that my marriage has been teaching me new things about my relationship with Christ.
Read MoreI’ve been spending many of my summer evenings at the river, swimming in the salty marsh river near my home in coastal Georgia. Before I jump in, I watch the water. The current flows confident and trusts the tides to continually flow. I want to enter the flow. I want to feel the flow on my skin. I want, even more, to feel the flow in my soul. I want to enter a flow state.
Read MoreRecently, I’ve been thinking about what it means to live a life worthy of the Lord’s calling. It’s easy to believe that my work or circumstances define me; when, in fact, I know in my heart that true salvation comes by grace through faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Read MoreAs a kid I loved stickers. Every single sticker I could get my hands on got a place of honor in my Lisa Frank sticker book. Mostly they were random “good work” stickers from school or a smiling tooth giving a thumb’s up from the dentist’s office. And 90s kids, remember the sticker boxes? They opened like a treasure chest to reveal several individual compartments filled with rolls and stacks of colorful, sparkly stickers.
Read MoreI heard a statement recently from someone who has been hurt by another in the church. When I say "in the church," I mean within the body of believers that makes up the church, not the actual church building. That got me thinking about what we do when people hurt us.
Read MoreVerse Mapping. It’s the latest fad in Christian Bible study. I personally love it. This new method of exegetical (verse by verse, in-depth) study of the Bible is a new way for many to explore the Bible. The James Method was the first group to introduce me to this method. When I heard a publisher was reaching out for reviewers for this Bible, I snatched up the opportunity to join. The Bible did not disappoint.
Read MoreHave you ever been wronged? Maybe someone accused you of something you did not do. Or someone excluded you from a group for no apparent reason? Perhaps they spoke poorly of you to others? Whatever the circumstances, I am sure a situation springs to mind.
Read MoreStanding on the shores of the Sea of Galilee I gazed out across the glasslike water. The surface was so still, it reminded me of a magnificent mirror. The calmness of the water ensured a near-perfect reflection of the surrounding Galilee mountains. I felt a holy hush settle gently as the peace of the scene surpassed the water’s edge and wrapped itself around me. I was no longer viewing a tranquil reflection, I had become it. The peace I perceived now sprang from within me.
Read MoreChristmas is usually the time of year when we open our Bibles to the gospels and we read through the accounts of Jesus’ birth. Sometimes we read them quickly, taking in the flow of events that culminated in a baby’s cry. Sometimes we read them slowly, looking for the bits of gold that maybe we have never noticed before. Sometimes we read them purposefully, seeking to be quiet and to be at the feet of the Author of the Story, hoping to hear something.
Read MoreTrust is a rare quality to find in our world right now. We have more distrust with the media, politicians, healthcare providers, scientists, and theologians than one may remember. I find myself not knowing who or what to believe anymore. And yet, I have peace. I have peace because I know my Engineer will remain constant always. God is the constant I can always trust.
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