Journal Prompts For Christian Women


Have you ever found it difficult to get into the right mindset for devotional time with God? I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to focus on just one thing at a time. It seems like there are twenty-four tabs open in my brain all the time. 

I can open my Bible preparing to study the word of God only to realize two minutes later that I am trying to plan out my lunches for the next week while my eyes continue scanning the text. 

One strategy that I have found particularly helpful in keeping my mind on track is journaling before I begin my devotional time. The act of writing before I begin helps calm my mind and gets me into a better headspace.

I’ve always been fascinated reading about Jesus’ need to find solitude with God. In Mark 1:35 , we read that “early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (NIV). Jesus needed to leave behind the noise of the world in order to fully devote his attention to God.

My chances of finding a solitary place are almost nonexistent, but I can use journaling to help create a separation from the noise of the world.

When I first began journaling, I used a list of generic prompts that I found online. Now that I’m in the habit of journaling, I do not use prompts as much any more. However, I think that it would have been helpful if I had started off with Christian journaling prompts, so I made a list that resembles the kinds of topics that have been helpful in my own journals in the hopes that others could benefit.

You can use these prompts in any ways that fit into your current devotional times or use them as you try out new methods for your solitary moments with God.

  1. What good things have you noticed in your life recently?

  2. What is an area that you are struggling to hand over to God?

  3. How are you celebrating the blessings in your life?

  4. What answers are you waiting for God to provide?

  5. What are you thankful for today?

  6. What ideas are inspiring you the most right now?

  7. Who is providing needed support in your life at the moment?

  8. How are you providing support to others?

  9. What Bible verse stands out to you for your current position in life?

  10. Do the commitments that take the most of your time match your priorities?

  11. Where do you feel God’s presence the most?

  12. Where do you see God working in your life right now?

  13. How are you making room for rest in your life?

  14. What is a beautiful moment from this week?

  15. What would your life look like if you completely surrendered it to God?

  16. Are there any changes that you feel led to make?

  17. How do you respond when something upsets you?

  18. What reading from the Bible seems to resonate at the moment?

  19. What lessons are you learning in life now?

  20. Are there any prayer requests that you are hesitant to bring to God?

  21. What gifts have you discovered recently?

  22. Are there any upcoming events that are causing you to worry?

  23. How have you seen God in the actions of others?

  24. Does your life reflect your values?

  25. How are you sharing the gifts that God has given you?

  26. How are you handling the difficult parts of life?

  27. What blessing have you seen in your life in the past month?

  28. How are you encouraging fellow Christians?

  29. Where do you need strength from God?

  30. What season of life are you in right now?

I hope that these prompts will be useful to you whether you decide to use one or two of them or whether you decide to incorporate journaling into your devotional time. 

We can’t always physically leave behind our distractions, but journaling can help create a temporary separation that can allow us to strengthen our time spent in the presence of God.


Elizabeth is an educator at heart. So far this has taken the form of a camp counselor, a museum assistant, and currently a middle school teacher. She loves to watch people grow and learn. You can read more of her writing at her blog Chronicles Of A Southern Belle.