Coffee, Cake & Christ


We are a group of eight friends. Wives, mothers, grandmothers from different parts of the world with one common bond. We all love Christ and met through Bible Study Fellowship in Auckland several years back. Now, though we are no longer in the same Bible study group, we meet once every other month. We try to make it fun each time- a picnic, a swap party, a shared meal, coffee and cake and during the lockdown we even met on zoom sessions a couple of times!

When I think of our times together, I am reminded of these verses

“Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.” -Ephesians 5:19 NIV

“Encourage one another daily.”- Hebrews 3:13 NIV

“Accept one another as Christ accepted you.” -Romans 15:7 NIV

“Be kind and compassionate to one another.”- Ephesians 4:32 NIV

“Offer hospitality to one another .”- Peter 4:9 NIV

Now let me invite you to join us for one of our gatherings. Mona had invited us over to her recently spring cleaned, cute, spotless home. The weather was perfect- the sun was out and a slight drizzle made a beautiful rainbow. I drove through it as I entered her place at 11am for a shared meal. Mona stood outside among the flowers with open arms to give each of us a warm welcome hug!

More than anything else, I remember very clearly what each of us shared about our Lord and the encouragement I received! Mercy started us off- she shared a new song she had learnt at church and we all sang the chorus together as she played the guitar. ‘He giveth more Grace when the burdens grow greater’ she sang. We all noted down the words so we could go home and have a listen again.

Kim and Jimi Yun shared verses which had impacted them recently. ‘We must pray Proverbs 31:13 before we set out to work’ said Kim- ‘Lord help me to work with eager hands.’

“She (the Proverbs 31 woman) works with eager hands.”- Proverbs 31:13b NIV

 Sheila quickly added that as a mother of toddlers she would pray that she would change diapers and feed her children with eager hands. We all laughed and remembered our own stories of long nights, diapers, baby feeds, and tantrums!

Jimi’s verse was James 5:9.

“Don’t grumble against one another. “ -James 5:9 NIV

We all knew that Jimi was going through a hard time at work and at home. I held her hand as she spoke with tear-filled eyes, pausing now and then.

Sudeepa’s mother had passed away recently in Sri Lanka and because of the pandemic and travel restrictions she had not been able to attend the funeral. God had strengthened our dear friend and she shared her message of hope with us all.

Hilda was going through a difficult situation too and she said she needed prayer. So immediately we bowed down to pray for her and for each other. Renu pulled out a Helen Steiner Rice poem from her bag and read it to finish our time of prayer.

The rainbow is God’s promise
Of hope for you and me
And though the clouds hang heavy
And the sun you cannot see
We know above the dark clouds
That fill the stormy sky
Hope’s rainbow will come shining through
When the clouds have drifted by.

This hour of encouragement left us uplifted and our hearts swelled with hope and joy. Cheery Mona now invited us to share her delectable cupcakes. They are my ‘sweet inspirations’ she said and we noticed that each cake had a scripture reference on it, held down with a toothpick! Mine was Psalm 90:14:

Satisfy me Lord in the morning with your unfailing love’.”-Psalm 90:14 NIV

 As we continued chatting over coffee and cake, we continued to share of God’s faithfulness in each of our lives.

If you are now ready to call your friends over and have your own little time of inspiration, let me give
you a few practical tips.

  •  Pray as you plan and get together- for the weather, for good health, that obstacles be removed.

  •  Keep it simple.

  •  Make sure to carry your Bibles and journals with you.

  •  Add variety and make it fun.

  •  Meet in a café, a park or at the beach.

  •  Bring one thought, verse, quote or poem to share and encourage.

  •  Invite God to be present with you as you enjoy time with one another!


Shoba Ranjitsingh is an architect, writer, a proud mother and an excited new grandmother who works in a Primary school in New Zealand. Shoba enjoys studying God’s word and her role as a STL at Bible Study Fellowship in NZ for 6 years has enabled her to now write and lead Women’s Bible Studies. Helping women study and enjoy God’s word as they embrace each season of life is her prayer as a writer. Long walks, cakes, hymns, coffee, books and quiet family evenings describe Shoba. Ranjit and Shoba live in Auckland.