Earlier this week, I tried to help someone, offering some expertise around a particular topic in which she could have benefited from some insight. In response, I received some rather abrasive words… and an opportunity. Opportunity, you say. What? Yes, that’s right. This interaction gave me a choice about how I would respond. Initially, I found myself feeling frustrated at her response, particularly knowing that she was going to face difficulty which could easily have been avoided.
Read MoreThe month of September did indeed bring a monumental transition to the world. England would lose their beloved queen and crown a new king. Did you ever think about the fact that with every death there is new life?
Read MoreEveryday, mothers all around the world pack lunches in brown bags, plastic boxes, stainless steel containers or in fancy designer ones for their children. The boxes may look different, but they always contain a good dollop of love and care!!
Read MoreDo you know what day of the week is my favorite? Sunday. Sunday just seems to be a slower, more peaceful day - a day of restoration. I often try to do “gospel yoga” on the Peloton app prior to church. After church, we normally have lunch with our family and then have a “lazy” day. We hike, take a nap, catch up on a hobby, or read. Sundays are a day to regain focus; to rest and reflect on what is important in our lives.
More Than Your Number is “A Christ - Centered Enneagram approach to becoming A.W.A.R.E of your internal world. Maybe you have heard of the enneagram? Maybe you are one of those people who has done every single personality test on the planet. Beth & Jeff McCord want to help people understand the enneagram from a Christ-centered approach.
Read MoreTrue confession: I’m not a huge fan of books on dating. I’ve always focused more on marriage. This is a personal preference. However, I LOVED Godly Dating 101. I think it’s an incredibly useful book - whether single, dating, or married. Why? Because the title is a sneaky one.
Read MoreAs a former social worker, I was extremely excited to review Anthony Evans and Stacy Kaiser’s new book When Faith Meets Therapy. The entire premise is advocating for therapy for Christians - in the right context. At Tirzah, we have always been open about mental health and the need to grow for ourselves, so we can serve other people better. However, we are aware that a lot of stigma comes around therapy.
Read MoreI’ve been thinking about prayer lately, how God has always been faithful with every yes and no. But the way He answers prayer always seems to be so different from the way I imagined He would. Lately, I have been reminded of God’s goodness in that.
Read MoreWhen I was a student at Bain School in Chennai India, this was one of my favorite choruses. I wrote my own Tamil version for Sunday School years later and sang it often. When I saw my young cousin Kalpana wearing a WWJD bracelet (What Would Jesus Do) I thought of how hard it was to actually live like Jesus in this world. Today we will look at Jesus and learn 3 specific ways we can be more like Jesus, every day.
Read MoreI pray you will be encouraged and uplifted as you build your own Quiet Time library and use it well. There is no particular pattern to follow when we meet with Jesus. We can relax with him, talk, read and listen.
Read MoreTo the first man, the one who held me in his arms when he was only an 18 year old. The young man who I watched grow because of our closeness in age. Thank you for loving me and taking me with you while you worked and served. Some of my fondest memories are seeing the houses you helped build, taking a college class together, and learning how to start non - profits. Thank you for protecting, providing, loving Jesus, and loving my mom.
Read MoreI wrote this verse wondering why it is that we grieve when tragic things happen to us - why should we care when tragedy is part and parcel of this world, that we created? This is the question I am essaying - attempting - to answer today. In the end, we grieve because we care about our relationships. Whether it is estrangement, divorce, or death, we grieve because we love the one who is now lost. How is it, then, that we as Christians can grieve with hope?
Read MoreWhen we leave our children in God’s safe arms, we allow God to be God in their lives. May God grant us time, creativity and grace to pray for our children.
Read MoreDear woman in the field,
I know there are days you wake up wishing things were different.
I know there are days you feel like giving up.
I know there are days you lie wide awake with mountains of stress and anxiety looming over you.
I know there are days you cry in the nooks of your homes, cars, workspaces, public bathrooms, and any place you can find to release the heaviness in your hearts.
But, I write to you to remind you that your God hears your cries and prayers – He sees you in these intimate moments and is with you.
Read More3 true life stories- from North Berwick, Auckland and Ashford to inspire you to send out invitations of love!
It was a bright summer day in the UK. We were visiting our son who works at Milton Keynes. Today, the three of us were on a train to visit Wendy at North Berwick. Bob, Wendy’s dear husband of 50 odd years had passed away a few months back. Wendy insisted that we should join her for dinner at home.
Read MoreTwo months ago, my life was playing out like a movie. Then two months later, the plot drastically changed. In essence, I feel like I am falling - my future was laid out before me, then the rug was pulled from under me and my plans were snatched.
Read MoreTransition (v.): the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
Transitions are hard. It’s the move from one state to another. When you were excited to be married, but realized you were transitioning out of singleness. The time God called you from one church to another. When the state of a relationship, ministry, family or company transitions to something new. That seems to describe the state of August.
Read More'Loving Others As Christ Does' is Unit 101 in the Bible College of life, wouldn’t you say? Yet, as I meditated upon the topic, the Lord said, "Yes, but there's more (greater depth)". So, I've been praying, "God teach me. Show me."
Read MoreWhat is it to love? It's to surrender everything I think about a person, and to lean in and pray, "Lord, teach me to love them as you do". There is no checklist. It's different for each person we relate to. It's a matter of growing to learn to love. Beginning to see the person through the eyes of the Creator.
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