As we pray, God will meet us where we are at and show us His grace and goodness. He will give us a heart for others, show us His heart for us, and heal us of the emotional consequences of doubting his goodness.
Read MoreI am BECOMING who God always intended me to be. At thirty years of age, I’ve done a lot but there is more to be done. There are some people who may not agree with my book. However, I have chosen to be real, authentic, and honest of my journey. This is more than my journey.
Read MoreWhile waiting for your breakthrough, when you know you cannot make progress by yourself when you desperately need God to change things around you; what do you do in the meantime? We often find ourselves complaining and murmuring, fixing our eyes on the situation instead of God’s faithfulness.
Read MoreA few years ago, I jumped on a plane, settled in, got comfortable, enjoyed the inflight snack and savoured the time to read whatever good book was in my hands at the time. Then came the announcement from the flight-crew, “We’re approaching Destination X and will soon begin our descent. Please return to your seats, fasten your seatbelts…’
Read MoreI attend Malone University, a private Christian school in Canton, OH. The community comprises of students and faculty of various backgrounds. I’ve met students from different religious backgrounds and some who are non-religious, of different ethnic backgrounds, and so on. As a Christian school, Malone is affiliated with Evangelical Friends Church. Their community guidelines adhere to the church’s guidelines. Faculty members are expected to follow the guidelines more than students. One of the guidelines is that sex must be intimate between a man and a woman– same-sex relationships aren’t allowed. As you can imagine many people would be irked by this, and this is exactly what happened six months ago on October 11th. Malone’s president announced in an email that one of the female science professors is having a relationship with another woman and intends to get married this summer. When she approached the leadership she hoped for a compromise. Instead, she was asked to resign. Many students and alumni shared their grievances on Facebook and Instagram showing their support for the professor; most of whom were members of the LBGTQ+ community and supporters.
Read MoreHeartbreak hurts terribly. I never realized how much a broken heart would hurt until it happened to me. Before that, I thought it was simply a figure of speech, but if you’ve been through heartbreak, you know it really hurts your heart physically and emotionally. Through this season of heartbreak, I have felt what seems like an unbearable amount of pain, but through this pain, I have been able to see the beauty of His purposes and plans for my life and how God is shaping me.
Read MoreI would be very afraid. But after being swallowed by the fish, Jonah repents in prayer and is expelled by the large whale. He gives his message of doom and destruction - and to his surprise, the Ninevites repent in sackcloth and ashes (3:5-9). God relents the disaster he said he would bring upon them, and this makes Jonah extremely upset.
Read MoreI was a bunhead back in the day and loved every minute of it. I especially loved a good waltz turn! I have danced but never been dancing. There is a difference. When you dance you stand alone, but dancing, you are in another’s arms. It’s uncommon to find a girl waiting on God’s best when it comes to the guy she could spend the rest of her life with. It’s more normal to find a chick who dates around and lost her virginity four guys ago. That’s not me; I am waiting for God’s ultimate best. I’m not settling for a good time; I’m waiting for a man after God’s own heart.
Read MoreIn three out of the four gospels - Matthew, Mark, and Luke - we read about Jesus sending the disciples onto a boat into the Sea of Galilee, only for an unforeseen storm to head their way. Despite Jesus being near them, fear overpowered the disciples to the point they believed they would die. (Luke 8:24)
Read MoreIt is in the in-between space where God wants to meet me. It’s the space where He wants to build something new in me, the space He wants to reveal a new truth about His nature to me. And while we journey through the unexpected circumstances in life, we can hinge our expectations on Him.
Read MoreWhat blessing have you been asking God for lately? Do you feel like your prayers are going unheard and unanswered? This is a reminder that there will be times when God prolongs a blessing after a season of waiting and painful wrestling with Him.
Read MoreI love the New Testament. That’s cool, but we’re studying yet another Old Testament text, Ozi, you might be thinking. Hear me out. 2 Corinthians 1:20 says that all of God’s promises in Christ are yes and amen - yes and indeed, essentially. These two texts contain a total of five promises.
Read MoreMy story is a little different. When I woke up the other day, it was stormy, full-on thundering, lightning, pouring down rain, and the house was shaking from the thunder. When I went to make my coffee, the whole house was dark. It was not the kind of day where I woke up ready to start the day; granted, I rarely wake up in that manner anyway.
Read MoreWe all have our favorite clothes, right? The ones we can’t live without. Over the years my wardrobe has taken on a very new look. For the 56-year-old Grandma in me, I like the clothes I have now. Muted shades, mostly ¾ sleeves and easy to maintain.
Read MoreI LOVE planning, organizing, and helping people discover their dreams for their future. For those who are just discovering Tirzah, I have a love of helping people discover their God-given purpose. I received my Master’s in Social Work, so I could help people move forward in life. Whitney actually discusses some important things we discussed in school throughout her book.
Read MoreMost Christians have heard of the famous Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, a missionary couple called to reach a hostile group of native Ecuadorians who had yet to hear the good news of Jesus. While trying to establish friendship, Jim, along with four other men, was murdered by the tribe. Miraculously, Elisabeth Elliot not only stayed in Ecuador with their young daughter, but would later live among and witness to this same tribe that killed her husband, resulting in many of them coming to know Jesus.
Read MoreSong of Solomon is correctly read as a book about the romantic love a husband and a wife have toward each other in marriage. However, being that the Bible is the book about Jesus (Luke 24:44-45), I want to read this verse in a Christocentric way. When we do so, we find that it is a beautifully redemptive one.
Read MoreTrue confession: I’m not a fan of the book of Revelations. EACH book of the Bible is vital and important, but I’ve never really been into the book of revelations. I can explain why though. In the Bible, it talks about different spiritual gifts. If you get to know me in person, you can tell pretty quickly that I am passionate about both evangelism and discipleship. This keeps me centered on the here and now. Therefore, my mindset tends to be in the present because I already know about Revelation and want people to be rescued by Jesus before that chapter.
Read MoreGo find John 17 in your Bible. Here we see Jesus praying for himself, his disciples (those close to him) and then for believers around the world. When praying for his disciples Jesus prays for their protection, their sanctification and that they will be filled with joy.
Read MoreSomething I’ve recently realized is this: “Every ending is a beginning & every beginning is an ending.” What does this mean? When we start something new, it means another thing is finished. Like the covenant of marriage, singleness must end for marriage to begin and marriage must begin for singleness to end. Life is complex this way. Joy mixed with sorrow, sorrow mixed with joy. If you ever want to study the complexities of this more in-depth, study the book of Ecclesiastes as Solomon walks through the seasons of life.
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