In today's world, living a Christian life has become a very gray area - each church and even each individual finds his/her own way to interpret the Bible - from one verse, you can get hundreds of different religions and personal beliefs. So, how do you know which one is right? How do you know if something is a sin? For example, is TV a sin? Movies? Sports? Some say there are, others scoff and say Jesus really doesn't have an opinion on the topic.
Read MoreA devastating passage, for those who do not have an anchor. Is it any wonder so many are without hope? Our culture builds security on seemingly everything and anything but God: a nicer home, our talents, our careers, our notoriety, our name, our ego, the good opinion of others, our identity built around these things.
Read MoreGod created all the seasons, and he is good no matter what season we are in. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:” -Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV. I’m single and you know what, God is still good. He can’t deny His character. God is good all the time. Period. End of story.
This is a WORD STUDY. You will need a journal and pen to complete it. You can do a little a day, through the week as it has been marked out. You can do it on your own or with a group of friends. The word we are going to study this week is sing. You may want to highlight the word in all the verses you read this week!
Read MoreMy church family went to watch the movie Jesus Revolution last week and man, it did not disappoint. My husband and I love the show Frasier, so we were excited when we saw Kelsey Grammer would be starring in it. How can a movie go wrong when it has Jesus, hippies, and Frasier?
Read MoreLooking back, I have struggled with anxiety for much of my life. I can remember as a little girl, saying my prayers, “… If I should die before I wake…” and feeling so scared to go to bed. This fear of death and worry about things out of my control continued as I entered my teen years.
Read MoreMany of you have likely heard reality stars and celebrities speaking out about “living my truth.” This can be heard with changes in their gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, sharing their side of a story, and the like. When this terminology is used - living their truth - it is celebrated.
Read MoreEveryone seems to think that money is corruptive and poisonous to the soul – it can be if you turn it into an idol, but it can actually be propelled for good. Over the past few years, I’ve seen God work His way in my life by teaching me some important lessons about money. The biggest lesson being that I needed to trust in Him, including with my finances.
As we move into 2023, examine your life. What is distracting you? I am in no way saying to quit your job or dismiss your family because you feel they are distracting you from God. The point I am trying to make is this: Is your mindset on Christ? Are we living in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:27)? Are you living as an example of Christ for others?
Read MoreIn her timely and vastly important book, Jen Oshman walks us through five specific ideals which our culture in particular shoves at women. She peels back the layers of lies, desires, and promises with a biblical lens. Cultural Counterfeits: 5 Empty Promises Of Our Age and How We Were Made for So Much More begins with the premise of the prodigal son parable and how we are prone to follow the call of sin and the world.
Read MoreWe received an interesting offer from our blogger network to promote a Christian banking company called adelfi. At first I, Alycia, was unsure of whether or not this fit into our values here at Tirzah. However, I considered how I choose to do my own life. I personally believe in doing all I can to support the household of God (Gal. 6:10). Personally, I have been on a journey to learn about things like Christian health sharing programs, businesses, and more
Read MoreJesus at my house!? Have you wondered what it would be like if Jesus walked into your house/ apartment or room? As I pondered that, I wrote this poem. You may want to read it and reflect on the verses given.
You may be hearing a lot more about banned books, particularly last month during Banned Book Week. Bookstores and libraries featured displays of books that have been banned throughout the years, and publishing companies, authors, and social media book influencers spread anti-censorship messages on their feeds.
Read MoreAs a former social worker, I was extremely excited to review Anthony Evans and Stacy Kaiser’s new book When Faith Meets Therapy. The entire premise is advocating for therapy for Christians - in the right context. At Tirzah, we have always been open about mental health and the need to grow for ourselves, so we can serve other people better. However, we are aware that a lot of stigma comes around therapy.
Read MoreSomewhere between playing cars and cowboys, a lot of boys learn that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Whether it’s through upbringing or society’s pressures, they learn they need to be strong for the girls. I think this mentality slows them down. Guys need to forget this way of thinking.
Read MoreI have a confession to make: I am a perfectionist. Not a minor perfectionist either, liking things done well and making deadlines on time. I am the kind of person who literally does not know when to stop, because things could always be better. I could always be better. Do more. Get more done in a day.
Read MoreI was asked to review Grace Valentine’s book “What Will They Think? Nine Women in the Bible who can help you live your life boldly”. This book was amazing and Grace was so talented. If you’ve read my reviews before, you know I can be incredibly picky about books - especially books that fall into the psychology and self - help category.
Read MoreA couple of years back when I visited Appa, he took me to his room and opened a draw, as if to show me a treasure. There in neat piles were all the letters, cards and paper clippings I had posted to him over the years. My eyes clouded with tears. That day I saw the soft tender part of my tall, dark, handsome and strong father.
Read MoreIn preparation of our July Tirzah in the Word, I wanted to challenge us to focus on a couple of topics to pray over this week. As you know, I, Alycia, highly enjoy our times of prayer and fasting as a global community. I have seen so many answered prayers over the years and so have many of you women from all over!
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