Posts in A Noble Character
Shoba’s Corner: Let’s Cook Up a Treat!

3 true life stories- from North Berwick, Auckland and Ashford to inspire you to send out invitations of love!

It was a bright summer day in the UK. We were visiting our son who works at Milton Keynes. Today, the three of us were on a train to visit Wendy at North Berwick. Bob, Wendy’s dear husband of 50 odd years had passed away a few months back. Wendy insisted that we should join her for dinner at home.

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Journey with Jesus (Pt. 3): How to Grow Our Character

I’ve recently celebrated my 40th birthday with an international travel-themed party. In decorating the cake, a friend and I created icing cut-outs of famous landmarks, using embossed cookie cutters. We didn’t want family and friends to look at the cake, and ponder, ‘What have they done here?’, but rather to readily identify the icons we’d represented.

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Will You Wait For Him?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of wait began. It was the summer of 2014, right in the middle of hot sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed. Rain began and thunder followed almost immediately. The line was long, snake like, intimidating, never ending. “C’mon,” I thought, “I want to go home and read a book. This is taking too long”

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Lion's Den

Girls fight with pornography as well as gentlemen. We just don’t say anything because we feel that no one will understand. I understand. I have been there. I know what you are going through. Trying to sweep it under the rug will only work so long. I know, I am a pro at sweeping my mistakes under the proverbial rug. But not acknowledging our mistakes, just allows them to keep growing and become a den of lions.

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Beautiful Rejection

Have you heard that rejection is God’s protection? When we get rejected from something, I like to think God is working on our behalf for something better.
However, the blow of rejection can tear you down. The biggest rejection I have ever faced came unannounced in the word, “uncomfortable.” I received this news from a mutual friend of mine, on behalf of a guy. The dude was uncomfortable around me.

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Love Does Not Envy

What is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question throughout the course of my life. Time and time again, I have been reminded what lasting love looks like by looking in God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV, I have been able to read, see, and feel what true love looks like. It isn’t just some reading that is popular at weddings and it isn’t just some nice sounding script that looks good on a Pinterest plaque. It is a description of who God is while also being a guidebook for how we are to love. While the first aspect of love in 1 Corinthians is being patient, the second characteristic of love is being kind, and listed right behind these is “love does not envy”.

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Love Is Kind

What is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question throughout the course of my life. Time and time again, I have been reminded what lasting love looks like by looking in God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV, I have been able to read, see, and feel what true love looks like. It isn’t just some reading that is popular at weddings and it isn’t just some nice sounding script that looks good on a Pinterest plaque. It is a description of who God is while also being a guidebook for how we are to love.

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