Dear Younger Me: 10 Things I would Tell You

Dear Younger Me,

I have come a very long way from the little girl I was at age 10. God has changed and grown me in many areas. I think it is time to share some of the things I have learned along the way. Take some advice from your older self.

It won’t always be this confusing.

I know it is now, but trust me, in a few years you’ll understand a lot more. You’ll still fall asleep crying some nights, you still won’t understand all your emotions, you’ll still be asking yourself hard questions, but I promise: It won’t always be this confusing. 

God loves you unconditionally.

Nothing – absolutely nothing – can separate you from God’s love. There is no sin so great, there is no thought so bad, there is no distance too far. He promised (Romans 8:38-39), and He never breaks His promises. Nothing can separate you from Him and His love. 

Yes, there will be a day when you won’t doubt anymore. 

I know that seems impossible right now, but it’s true! There will be a day when you won’t doubt principles such as God’s existence or your salvation. (And it’s a cool feeling when you realize you’ve reached that day.) 

Courage can be learned.

It truly can. Sounds like another fairy tale? It’s not. One day, you will look back and see that Jesus taught you - showed you - how to be bold. It’s not an overnight thing. It will take time, and it will take stepping out of your comfort zone, but it can definitely be learned. Courage, dear heart. 

Don’t be boy crazy. 

Just don’t. ‘Nuff said. 

People won’t always understand. 

It will hurt. It will be hard. Life is not easy. There is a lot you will have to go through. You will learn the hard way that people won’t always understand. But that's okay because you will also learn that Jesus does understand. He knows you better than you know yourself. 

Jesus can set you free. From anything.

There is nothing in this world – the visible or the invisible – that is bigger or stronger than Jesus. Go to Him (preferably sooner, rather than later). For freedom we have been set free. 

Read your Bible. 

It’s a treasure you get to rediscover daily. Every minute spent digging into it is worth it. 

Use every opportunity to share the gospel. 

I know it’s scary. But remember: courage can be learned. And trust me, every unused opportunity will cost you many regrets. Don’t go there. Live what you believe. Speak with confidence, even when you don’t feel that confidence and trust that God will direct your words. It’s not you and your cleverness speaking. It’s the Holy Spirit through you. 

Life with Jesus is an adventure. 

With a surprise around every corner, a strong hand to slip yours into, and a path only illuminated enough for you to see the next step, life with Jesus is an adventure. I can 100% recommend it. Look to Him. Always. And live. 


Older Me


Sarah Susanna Rhomberg is a young writer who lives in Europe and is fluent in both English and German. When not writing, you will often find her reading, going for a walk, or enjoying some herbal tea. Sarah wants to live her life for Christ and writes to glorify Him. Connect with her through her email list here ( and receive a 5-day devotional on Psalm 23.