Posts in Discipleship
5 Signs of A Healthy Church

Two weeks ago, we had a discussion about 5 signs of a cult and being aware of what type of church you attend. There are many groups that are misleading or drawing people away from the church. However, there are equally a great number of churches that draw people to Jesus. It is important to recognize when you find a great church so you can plug in and be a part!

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Love Is Not Rude

1 Corinthians 13, verses 4 through 7, has always fascinated me. As a child, I saw it as yet another unattainable thing in the Bible. It was something that Christians were supposed to be, but also something I could never be. It felt overwhelming. As a youth, I started to understand that these were qualities of Christ, yet they still felt beyond my grasp. As a young adult who walked away from the Lord, I no longer cared what the Bible said about anything

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Four Gospels, Four Perspectives, One God

This fall I am on the home stretch of a goal to read through the Bible in one year. I wrapped up the Old Testament during the dog days of summer, which gave me a new perspective on persistence in patience, and am finally reading the good news in the fresh air of fall. Wrapping up the Old Testament during the dog days of summer and reading the good news in the freshness fall brings. It has been a joy to read of new life and new freedom in the new season.

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Light And Momentary

I am mama to a two-month-old baby boy, and my life has seemingly dissolved into a million tiny storms that swirl around into one massive tornado I call a day. The baby needs to be held, the dishes need to be cleaned, the laundry is stacking up, the office needs to be organized, the baby’s peed all over the bed, my breastmilk is leaking through my shirt… I think you get the point. I constantly am battling a swarm of troubles that feel consuming and unending.

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Beautiful Rejection

Have you heard that rejection is God’s protection? When we get rejected from something, I like to think God is working on our behalf for something better.
However, the blow of rejection can tear you down. The biggest rejection I have ever faced came unannounced in the word, “uncomfortable.” I received this news from a mutual friend of mine, on behalf of a guy. The dude was uncomfortable around me.

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Feed The Word

I had just reached school, my workplace. As I walked to my room, I watched the parents say goodbye to their dear children and leave. It was the start of the school year and some of the children were a little unsettled and looked worried. I saw the expressions of the parents-they looked as if they were bursting with love for their little ones.

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Letter from the New Editor In Chief: All things Work Together

This left me at a crossroads...continue to work for a place I helped build (and accomplished what I wanted) or chase after my own/personal dreams and desires. I took a giant leap of faith and stepped into a very part-time job where I get to be a part of my dream for my family. As I took that step of faith, I prayed - that God would open the door for me to pursue my dreams as a speaker and writer. Yelena did not know about that prayer - nor did she know that several years ago God had given me a promise through the verse Romans 8:28.

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Love Does Not Boast

What is love and how do we know if it is lasting? I have asked myself this question throughout the course of my life. Time and time again, I have been reminded what lasting love looks like by looking in God's Word. In 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NIV, I have been able to read, see, and feel what true love looks like. It isn’t just some reading that is popular at weddings and it isn’t just some nice sounding script that looks good on a Pinterest plaque. It is a description of who God is while also being a guidebook for how we are to love.

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