Posts tagged speak life
Speak Life

We all pictured 2020 to look a little different than this. As we’ve all been watching the news for weeks now, this pandemic has unfolded right in front of our eyes. Never, did it cross our minds that part of 2020 would be spent quarantined at home. As we watch the news from home, all we see is death and suffering. You start to wonder, when will this all end?

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Be Careful Little Eyes

Did you know that as believers and followers of Jesus, we need to be careful with how we spend our time? We do. We need to be careful with what we read, what we watch, and what we listen to. A lady that I have “followed” for years through her blog posts made me aware of this fact. Before I start, though, can I just tell you how thankful I am for an online community of women who love Jesus that I have never personally laid eyes on? Social media gets such a bad rap, but when it is used for good, the enemy needs to beware!  

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