What does mission work look like now, after a year of most everything being shut down? This is a question I’ve been pondering lately. When we hear the word “missions”, most of us think of someone living far off, possibly even in another country. Today, I believe it looks like that, plus something a little different.
Read MoreIt’s easy to forget that everything we wear is made by living, breathing, human beings. I grew up believing that my garments were made by some mass factory machine, blissfully forgetting about the hearts and hands that contributed to each item in my closet. How often do we look at our labels and ask, “Who made my clothes?”
Read MoreThis month, our theme in Tirzah Magazine is justice and missions. Missionary work is often bucketed into just one category: overseas missions. But what if we’re called to missions work in one way or another, whether it is at home or abroad?
Read MoreWhere is your faith placed? Is it in man? History and current events should help you conclude that will never be the best idea. Or is it in Jesus Christ? I hope this is your answer.
Read MoreA law will change everything. Planned Parenthood is the only place that helps pregnant women. Roe v. Wade will be overturned and all abortions will magically end. Did you know that according to current statistics there would still be 1,000,000 abortions per year if Roe v. Wade was overturned? Did you know that more women would die due to home abortions?
Read MoreI threw my dusty suitcase in the pickup truck bed, and jumped into the back seat. I was in Idaho. A sweet couple serving as YWAM base missionaries had picked me up. We struck up a conversation about life and disappointments.
Read MorePolitics have always been divisive, but it seems this year has reached a whole new level of the “us” vs. “them” mentality. In the middle of a very tense election season, it can be hard figuring out how to navigate politics, especially as a Christian.
Read MoreHope. When I became a social worker, that was the word given to me. Dreams. The word it has shifted to in recent years. One of my mentors told me once I was a “hope dealer”. I was someone with the willingness to believe everyone could achieve their dreams with Christ. Many times you could find me sitting beside a single mom and her newborn baby, dreaming and planning how she could buy her first home even while sitting in the ash and pain of an unplanned pregnancy and single parenthood.
Read MoreA new buzzword in the church world (at least in America, which is all I can personally speak to), is “multiethnic.” A growing number of Christians want to be part of a multiethnic church, a place with “diverse” worship, a body of believers that resembles the beautiful picture John paints for us in his Revelation 7 vision.
Read MoreI waited outside the church to greet people after giving my presentation on hurricane relief programs. Several in the crowd came to shake my hand. Some asked questions. An older lady approached: taking my hand in hers, she said, “Keep doing the Lord’s work, sweetheart.” She smiled, patted my arm and kept walking toward the parking lot.
Read MoreI met Dionne while working for a humanitarian aid organization on an island southeast of Haiti, called Dominica, assisting with recovery after Hurricane Maria hit in September 2017. It was unlike any storm Dominica had ever encountered and the losses were immense. This storm tore the roofs off houses, the wind stripped the jungle canopy bare, and anything that wasn’t a root crop was destroyed. Landslides and flash floods damaged the island’s water and sewage systems, contaminating many water sources.
Read MoreMy best friend calls me a well-digger. I’m not sure I fully understood what that meant until I heard a Christine Caine message from January’s Passion 2020 Conference. She talked about how God wants to dig into old ministries and do new things. He wants to create completely new ministries as well.
Read MoreThe Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently issued several opinions on important topics, including religious freedom, LGBTQ rights and immigration. Since our vision at Tirzah is to cover topics relevant to young women today through a Scriptural lens, we wanted to provide an overview of the relevant cases published lately so you can make informed decisions and are able to participate confidently in conversations on these topics.
Read More“History is paved by the intercessors”. Well, my friend, what is an intercessor?
Read MoreTo continue our racial reconciliation series, our Editor in Chief is sharing a video by the creator of Veggie Tales that she found impactful. This 17-minute video goes through the history of laws and movements in the United States regarding race and helps explain where systematic racism may continue to exist in the United States (and why!).
Read MoreFrom someone who lived in Wuhan at one point in her life, and adopted her son from China, Brittany shares the Wuhan she knows and loves, along with ways we can pray and practically care for others during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Read Morehese are the words that caught my attention as I stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial in January. What does Abraham Lincoln mean by three thousand years ago? What are the two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil?
Read MoreIsaac. Many Christians know the story. God promises Abraham a son. He finally receives that son. Then, God does the strangest thing. He tells Abraham to take his promised son and kill him on an altar. Somehow, Abraham doesn’t even hesitate and goes to do what God asks.
Read MoreRight now, our country is deep in turmoil trying to wrestle through issues facing the black community and it is inevitable that those conversations are going to seep into our workplaces too. So, how can you be an advocate on behalf of minorities and promote diversity in the workplace?
Read MoreAs Yelena and I started researching racial reconciliation and how to best address the topics, we went to our friends to find resources. It just so happened that my neighbors across the street had a podcast. Their podcast was addressing racial issues in light of Christ and their own personal experiences.
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