Debunking The Abortion Myth

Debunking The Abortion Myth

A law will change everything. Planned Parenthood is the only place that helps pregnant women. Roe v. Wade will be overturned and all abortions will magically end. Did you know that according to current statistics there would still be 1,000,000 abortions per year if Roe v. Wade was overturned? Did you know that more women would die due to home abortions?

As a Christian you probably did not expect me to start pointing out the reason abortion should be legal. However, it is important to understand that we live in a fallen world. Not everyone follows the Bible. A law is not our God. I don’t believe abortion should be legal, but I do believe that a law will not shift a cultural mindset. It takes an absolute heart change, and that starts in a church.

As Christians it is time we take a stand. On an almost monthly basis, I hear people in churches that say Planned Parenthood is NECESSARY for society. They help women and no else is. My question to them would be, “Isn’t it a Biblical mandate that the church care for those in need?” (Read James for more). We are seeing a rise in social media posts and passion for the pro-life movement. A post is not action. 1 John 3:18 states: “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

It does not say to speak about an issue. Jesus is telling us to do something about it. This starts with the Gospel. If we want to be pro-life, we have to start with a heart change by spreading the Gospel to the world. This will reduce abortions. As far as the Planned Parenthood myth goes, there are actually almost double the amount of Christian centers around the nation devoted to helping women who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies. Many of these centers utilize volunteers to assist these women in need (Check out this link!). It is time that we as Christians move away from seeing a problem as something the government controls. We need to take back the narrative — at a legislative level, at a community level, and at an individual level.

Please join us on Instagram over the next three months, as I dive into each of these topics mentioned above. My name is Alycia, and I have over 10 years of experience helping women and men in unplanned pregnancy centers. I’ve worked in adoption, a home for teen moms, young adult ministry, and most recently as an executive director of a pregnancy center. Throughout these short videos, I will break down all unique aspects of the pro-life movement, what you need to know, and how you can help. Join me on this journey, from a Biblical perspective, as we unpack truth and the part we as women play in shifting a culture mindset from death to life (John 10:10).


Alycia Marie is a free-spirited missionary and follower of Christ. She spends her days wandering around the city with the unique family that God has given her. At this time, she is currently working with two non-profits to tackle rebuilding families in the city of Milwaukee. In her free time, she plays with preschoolers, writes in coffee shops, and travels the world.