What Does Modern Day Missions Look Like?


What does mission work look like now, after a year of most everything being shut down? 

This is a question I’ve been pondering lately. 

When we hear the word “missions”, most of us think of someone living far off, possibly even in another country. Today, I believe it looks like that, plus something a little different. 

I remember once visiting a church that had signs at the driveway facing the cars leaving the parking lot that read, “Now entering the mission field”. 

I loved that then and I think that’s what it means for us today. Because of how things were shut down last year and maybe even how things still are for those not traveling, I think the mission field is anywhere our feet are currently touching the ground. That’s exciting to think about, right? More than ever before, we have an opportunity right now in this moment to minister to those in need around us. Have you seen someone who looked discouraged while you were out and about, maybe at the grocery store? I have! People are scared, people are anxious and they’re willing to listen to the encouragement that we give them.

I love being very practical in this—I love striking up a conversation, I love mentioning the name of Jesus to someone needing some hope and I love to pray for people right then and there.

 I went out to lunch with some friends from church a few months ago and as the server brought our food, my friend asked her how we could pray for her right then. She looked surprised, but she quickly gave us something to pray for and my friend began to pray in a way that delivered the gospel message of Jesus and then she stormed Heaven’s gates on her behalf. I think our sweet waitress was stunned, but I know she was also deeply moved. You never know what a difference you can make in someone’s life.

My husband isn’t much of a “people person” these days, but something he is so good at—is engaging them in conversation and effortlessly getting to know them. He was outside the other night and stood for almost an hour talking to our neighbors over the fence in our backyard. These neighbors of ours are not believers, as far as I can discern. 

I share all this to say that there is no right or wrong way. We just need to show up and be willing to engage the people around us. The more broken they look, the better, in my humble opinion. I love talking to one certain surly young man at my local grocery store as he bags my groceries—I  consider it a challenge to engage him and to get a smile from him. I greet him by name, I get him to talk to me and I wish him well on my way out.

Sometimes mission work looks like being friendly and planting little seeds. I love what Colossians 4:6 says:

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you should answer each person.”- Colossians 4:6

More than ever before, when we show up ready and are ready to be used as willing vessels by God Almighty, He will use us as a light for others. 

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. -Matthew 5:16

I also recommend starting each day with prayer and time spent reading God’s Word. I love to ask the Lord to use me each day when I am out and about. He is always faithful to answer my petition! There are so many ways He will use you, all you have to do is show up to where you’re going and to be ready. The prayer and Bible reading will help you with that. I pray these words are an encouragement and a challenge to you.


Jennifer Goodwin is a wife, and mom to four (almost) grown sons. The Lord has called her to serving in several different ministries within her church home, some of which are bible study and leading younger women, and helping in the leading of worship on Sundays. During the week you can find her writing on her blog, Overflowing With Thanksgiving and encouraging others through her favorite social media outlet: Instagram. Follow along with her and be encouraged at @jenlloydgoodwin.