Shoba's Corner: Seeking God In The Middle Of Motherhood

The heart of Tirzah Magazine has been to empower Christian women to thrive in their faith, and a verse that we firmly hold to comes out of Titus 2:3-7 , with the biblical command for older women in the faith to instruct and mentor younger women in motherhood, wifehood, and lifestyle.

We are so excited to launch this series with Shoba, whose articles and wisdom from her experiences have already been an encouragement to many. She’s a mother, grandmother, and BSF study leader, and this series is from her heart for the new mamas out there.

‘I stirred from my sleep, the light streaming through the windows reminding me that it was well past daybreak. I remembered that it had been a rough night- with my little one sleeping late after howling for a long time through the evening. As I saw him sleeping quietly by my side, he did look angelic now.’

‘I quietly slipped out of the sheets without disturbing him and walked to the kitchen. My husband looking very smart, quickly waved as he left for work. It was past 8 o’ clock. The dishes in the sink and the piles of laundry were not an inviting sight as the day stretched ahead.

When I was a young mother, I have lived out this scene. When days and nights slipped into each other and my body and my mood didn’t cope very well.

Does this sound familiar to you? As a mother, maybe you yearn for a quiet, peaceful start to the day - A cup of coffee on the porch, a quiet reading of God’s Word and praying as you sit in the corner of a neat, orderly home with potted plants and colorful cushions. A body which felt strong, energetic and joyful always! Maybe you miss the adult conversations you used to have with family and friends and even time with your husband!

God is greater than our heart, He knows everything.”-1 John 3:20 NIV

The fact that God knows the details of my life and that He understands is such a comforting thought!

Even before your feet hit the floor, make it a practice to pray.

‘Lord, I need you today’.

Yes, it is a short prayer, but God loves it when we talk to Him and include Him in our day. As you make your morning drink, your coffee/ tea or healthy milkshake ask God to work in you and through you. As a mother of young ones, you may not have a lot of time to devote to studying God’s Word but you have moments and God loves it when you give him those.

Having a notepad on your refrigerator for your gratitude list would be a lovely way to note down praise. Make it as specific as you can.

·        Thank you, Lord for the few minutes of quiet Ranjan and I had together yesterday.

·        Thank you for the hamper of goodies from church-( I loved the chocolate cake they sent and the nappies will be so useful).

·        Thank you, that Mum called and that she feels better.

·        Thank you, Lord, for the rose which bloomed in the garden yesterday.

Having a list in front of you keeps you in a grateful mindset through the day and keeps frustration at bay.

As you shower your love on your little one, pray out aloud.

As you hear their little cries and rush to greet them. ‘Thank you, Lord, for this precious bundle you have blessed me with. Give me the energy to be a good mother today. Bless me with creativity, strength and wisdom Amen.’

Find moments to sing to them and with them. Sing choruses you learnt at Sunday School, learn short worship songs or play them on a device.

If you can wake up 5 minutes before the rest of the family. Use that time to talk to Jesus about what is on your heart. Read a couple of verses and choose one to write down in your journal/ device.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.”-Psalm 90:14 NIV

The word ‘satisfy’ says that God’s love can fill us and be all we want for the day!

When you are not able to do this, weave worship into your day- God understands.



Shoba Ranjitsingh is an architect, writer, a proud mother and an absolutely thrilled grandma to little Nivin. Shoba enjoys studying the Bible and her role as STL at Bible Study Fellowship in Auckland in NZ for 6 years has enabled her to now write and lead Women's Bible Studies. Helping women study and enjoy God's Word as they embrace everyday ordinary life is her prayer as a writer. Long walks, cakes, hymns, books, quiet family evenings, chatting with family across oceans describe Shoba. In this phase of life, Ranjit and Shoba enjoy feeding the birds, smelling the roses, pursuing their hobbies and being grateful for all that God has called them to do. Shoba works as a Learning Support in a Primary School in Auckland and everything simple, honest and true bring her joy!