January Letter From The Editor

January is almost gone and as I think of the last month, the word ‘permissible’ seems to continually come to mind.  

Have you ever been given an opportunity that sounds great on paper, but doesn’t seem like it is the best option for you?  

Paul says,

“Everything is permissible,” but not everything is beneficial.  “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is edifying” 1 Corinthians 10:23 BSB

With the things going on in this world in this past month, there have been so many situations where there are permissible opportunities, but not necessarily a clearly defined right or wrong answer.  Here at Tirzah, we hold to a very strong principle. This is the idea that the Bible is for everyone. That every woman has the right to own the Bible, read it, and discern (to make a wise decision) the will of God.  There are times where the Bible is clear; like murder, worshipping idols, etc. 

However, the advice and opinions of many are swirling in regards to the movie “Redeeming Love”.  There are people saying it’s right to see this modern day portrayal of the Book of Hosea in the Bible.  Some say it’s wrong.  While others say, discern for yourself.  

I, Alycia, could give you a lecture on my thoughts and opinions, but I want to hold fast to the belief that you can read the Bible for yourself and decide whether or not you should see this movie.  If you want additional information on the controversy or content of this story, check out www.plugged in.com where they give free Godly reviews of most new entertainment in society (movies, books, and tv shows).  

Another issue currently, is the rising tensions of war between Russia and Ukraine. News is swirling around that Russia wants Ukraine to be a part of their country and are going to try to overthrow this nation.  

There are opinions everywhere. 

 Leave both countries alone and let them figure it out on their own. Get involved and fight Russia. 

Is there a right or wrong answer to these questions?  

It may be permissible to be involved and also permissible to not be involved. This is a moment where we can pray for our leaders in countries around the world to weigh the scales and make a decision on what should happen next.  Please do your research on this and study for yourself what you can be praying about that is going on in our world today.

I could continue to tell you various stories all day about decisions that can go either way and there is no balance, but I want to encourage you to own your decisions.  Read the Bible.  Pray about what you believe God has called you to do, and stick to that conviction.  Don’t get distracted by the permissible that serves no purpose in your life or sets you backwards.  Move forward with God in what He has called you to and have confidence that He will see your life’s work to completion (Phil. 1:6).  My dear sisters in Christ - you are loved, cherished, and worthy.  Never allow someone to stop you from pursuing the vision, dreams, or purpose He has put on your life.

Until Next Month,

Alycia Johnson