Love Is Not Self-Seeking

All throughout the Bible, there are different and distinct types of love that are mentioned. In the greek, there are four words to define different types of love: agape, eros, philio, and storge. The most powerful form of love is agape, the love that God has for us. It is the essence of God, it is who he is.

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Look And Learn

It was a three bedroom apartment in Chennai in South India. Our boys were ten and four and the house was filled with colorful artwork, toys in all sizes and shapes, mainly lots of bats and balls of all types. Our little balcony boasted of a bird cage with colorful love birds, a gift from friends. We also took pride in our little balcony garden. Mike and Meshu enjoyed seeing caterpillars turn into pupa and then fly away as bright butterflies.

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Shoba RanjitsinghComment
Will You Wait For Him?

I remember exactly where I was the day my season of wait began. It was the summer of 2014, right in the middle of hot sticky July. My mother, sister, brother and I were standing in a department store waiting to check out just as the tornado sirens buzzed. Rain began and thunder followed almost immediately. The line was long, snake like, intimidating, never ending. “C’mon,” I thought, “I want to go home and read a book. This is taking too long”

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Through Mary's Eyes

Luke 1:30 reads “Messenger: Mary, don’t be afraid. You have found favor with God.”

I love this passage - like I love absolutely everything about the Christmas story - but in particular, how this passage is not just for the Christmas period. This is relevant to us at any time when we are feeling surprised by unknown circumstances or taken aback by curveballs in our worlds.

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Guest User Comment
Is It Time To Rewire?

Old and faulty wiring systems can cause the entire electrical system to either trip or blow up the fuses or create a spark that can lead to a potential fire that can destroy your beautiful homes that were painstakingly designed and decorated. Although rewiring may seem a major investment, it is worth it to keep checking to see if your old wiring needs to be updated to reduce the risk of a fire and increase the value of your home.

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Susan JohnComment