Responding In a Pandemic

Jesus told His disciples after they had been on a mission, “Let’s get away from the crowds for a while and rest.” They left by boat to a quiet spot by themselves. When they got there, crowds of people were already awaiting their arrival. 

“Let’s get away from the crowds for a while and rest.” - Mark 6:31

Jesus and His disciples had an audience that was not only hungry physically, but spiritually as well. Jesus had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd so He taught them many things.

Friends, we have crowds of people that are like sheep without a shepherd. Right now is the opportunity of a lifetime for miracles to happen, physically and spiritually. Our part is to come with what we have and trust God with it. He will turn what we give Him into more than enough. 

After reading Mark 6:30-52, here are a few reminders for all of us during this time: 

  • Rest because you need it, but don’t become lazy.

  • Make the best of your time. Stop staring at your phone. 

  • Don’t grumble about the cost. God will reward you, but even if He doesn’t, it will be worth it.

  • Don’t get distracted from the bigger picture...people need Jesus. 

  • Don’t lose sight of who He is. He is who He says He is.

  • Don’t get caught up in performance, perfectionism, or competition. Do what He’s asking you to do, even if it’s serving behind the scenes. Spending time reconnecting with your family might be the only thing He wants you to do. Whatever it is, do it well. And remember, every good deed doesn’t have to be posted on social media.. It’s for His glory, not ours. 

  • Now is not the time for chaos. Even when Jesus fed the 5,000, there was order.

  • Don’t fear, just trust He is here. This is where your faith comes into action. Let it be stretched and strengthened!

Jesus, we are living in days that we have never experienced before. I want to respond and not react to the current situations around me, but I am going to need your help because I can’t do it on my own. I give you what I have and ask that you make it more than enough for such a time as this. Guide my words, actions and responses so that I can represent you well. May I bring Your peace, love, kindness, grace and mercy into situations that are beyond my knowledge or control. In Jesus name, amen! 


Jaime Roever is a published writer, public speaker, ordained minister, and justice seeker that has a love to minister to women of all ages. She is a communicator at heart and is passionate about sharing the word and it’s practical truths that apply to real everyday life and how God will meet you there. Jaime lives in Texas with her husband Matt, and she is a mom to two sons. Jaime is Cooper certified as a physical trainer and is a self defense instructor, providing women with the tools to live their best life. She also works with the Special Victims Unit for the San Antonio Police Department as an advocate for victims of domestic violence.