You Can Do Hard Things


I love to run marathons, but I don’t always like to run. Sounds odd, right? You might be asking, “How can you love marathons but not always like to run?” You’re not alone, I’ve asked myself that same question, especially each time I race. Don’t get me wrong, I want to run, I really do. I see some people run and I think about how graceful they look or how they make running look so easy.

But when I run, I feel like a lead balloon...until I get into my groove. Once I’m “on” in my run I feel so light, free and alive! But that doesn’t just happen. Running in general, and for a marathon, requires a lot of training. Sure, could you just go out there and run it? I mean of course you could, but you run the risk of injury and also would not be at your best performance.

Training builds strength and endurance. More that that, training also builds your mind. It shows what you’re made of. Are you in or are you out? Do you have what it takes? Training is tough, but worth it when you cross that finish line. I don’t care how many races I’ve run, each time I cross the finish I am filled with emotion. Not because the race is over, but because I just proved to myself that I can do hard things and I didn’t die.

Suffering produces endurance.

Endurance produces character

Character produces hope.

-Romans 5:3-4

We live in a fast pace and easy access society. We tend not to like hard things. Instead, we want easy. Look around and you can see in so many facets of our everyday lives how our choices have evolved in a way that requires very little effort or discomfort. We have so many luxuries in life, and they are nice things to have. But what happens if all of those things are stripped away? What are you made of? 

I want to encourage you to not fight against everything that is hard. Move ahead and do the hard things. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone. If you’re not willing to do that for yourself, surround yourself with people that will help do it with you. Did you catch what I said there? With you, not for you. 

It is necessary for us to enter into the realm of God’s kingdom, because that’s the only way we will endure our many trials and persecutions.” -Acts‬ ‭14:22‬ 

It’s time to dig deep into your word for yourself and not just take everyone’s else’s word on what it says. You need to read it for yourself so you grow strong and have a good solid foundation of who God is and isn’t, and who you are and aren’t. 

It’s time to build your faith muscles. When is the last time you did something fully trusting God to provide a way for you? When is the last time you trusted Him for great things in your life? 

“For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things.” -James 1:3‬ ‭

It’s time to grow in the waiting. Ooh, this one can be so hard, right? We don’t like waiting because we have grown accustomed to instant. But friend, instant doesn’t mean longevity. If we grow impatient in the waiting and push through before it’s time, I can guarantee you, your character will not be strong enough to keep you there. Wait it out. 

It’s time to trust Him. God is who He says He is...”I AM.” Trust Him with the hard things. Trust Him to reveal Himself to you. Trust Him in the waiting. Trust Him with you.

I love you, friend. I believe God has amazing things for your life, I truly do. As one of the oldest writers for Tirzah, believe me when I say, do the hard things. You will be amazed at how God shows up every single time. You will also be amazed at the growth that takes place in your life taking you further than you could have ever done taking the easy route. I believe in you! More importantly, God believes in you!


Jaime Roever is a published writer, public speaker, ordained minister, and justice seeker that has a love to minister to women of all ages. She is a communicator at heart and is passionate about sharing the word and it’s practical truths that apply to real everyday life and how God will meet you there. Jaime lives in Texas with her husband Matt, and she is a mom to two sons. Jaime is Cooper certified as a physical trainer and is a self defense instructor, providing women with the tools to live their best life. She also works with the Special Victims Unit for the San Antonio Police Department as an advocate for victims of domestic violence.