Shoba's Corner: Thou Shalt Not Whine

If there was an invisible sign in our home it was this- 

Thou shalt not whine.

My children knew from an early age that grumbling and whining was not acceptable. I wish I could tell you that as a mother I never grumbled. But no, God had me on the potter’s wheel and slowly caused me to look out for things to be grateful.

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”-1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

“Do everything without complaining or arguing.”-Philippians 2:14 NIV

Throughout the day look out for things which brighten your day, an encouraging phone call, a comforting hug, a tasty meal, a surprise visitor and the bright pink rose in the garden! In the middle of nappy changes, shopping lists, temper tantrums, school trips, sports events and meal planning, complaining  can sometimes be easier than thanking God.

To keep from complaining try these:

-Keeping a gratitude list. This can be done by writing them down, by saying them out loudly as you drive, as you do your chores, as you walk. You can do it as a family before dinner too . 

-Filling a  gratitude jar. Find a large Jar and keep some note paper and pens beside it. As a family whenever you have a burst of thankfulness in your heart, write it out and put it in the jar. Once a month at dinner time, read out the notes and thank God together.

-Organizing praise and prayer get-together. Call a  group of mothers and ‘delight in the wonderful things the Lord has been doing’ (Luke 13:17b) in your lives. 

“Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything.”-Ephesians 5:20 NIV

Psalm 127:3 says that our children are gifts from God.

This verse literally changed my life. As I watched my Mike and Meshu play tennis, do their school work - I looked at them as gifts. 

As you sit there watching your toddler build that tall Lego tower, look at him as a gift, bow and all.

When your school-going children demand your time and effort and leave you feeling exhausted, look at them as tiny parcels of love from God.

As your young adult drives away in a huff, pray for that gift which God entrusted you to care, love and mold.

Today take time to sit with the pictures of your children. You may want to print them out and glue them into your prayer journal. List out your specific concerns about them. Praise God for safety, protection and good health. 

“Here I am(and you can write your name here), and the children the Lord has given me.”-Isaiah 8:18 NIV

Let me leave you with these words of encouragement.

“The Lord gives strength to his people: The Lord blesses His people with peace.”-Psalm 29:11 NIV

As you lean on God may God strengthen you and give you peace in your role as a mother.


Shoba Ranjitsingh is an architect, writer, a proud mother and an absolutely thrilled grandma to little Nivin. Shoba enjoys studying the Bible and her role as STL at Bible Study Fellowship in Auckland in NZ for 6 years has enabled her to now write and lead Women's Bible Studies. Helping women study and enjoy God's Word as they embrace everyday ordinary life is her prayer as a writer. Long walks, cakes, hymns, books, quiet family evenings, chatting with family across oceans describe Shoba. In this phase of life, Ranjit and Shoba enjoy feeding the birds, smelling the roses, pursuing their hobbies and being grateful for all that God has called them to do. Shoba works as a Learning Support in a Primary School in Auckland and everything simple, honest and true bring her joy!