Finding Peace in a Stressful Life


Finding Peace in a Stressful Life - Tirzah Magazine Today, we seem to live in constant state of unease and anxiety - feeling like there is more to do and more to worry about. You constantly stress about your to-do list, even though no matter how many items pop-up, more will take their place.

You feel like you can't relax and be happy until you have achieved some far-away goals, but even when you get what you want, you just want more and more. There seems to be no satisfaction in the blessings that we are receiving from God, or maybe we've just forgotten those blessings.

In this chaotic world where we live what most people seek, but are unsure how to obtain, is peace.

Here are some guidelines that may mean the difference between peace and turmoil:


It is only when you follow God's path and view the world around Him through His point of view that you also obtain God's peace. How can you achieve God's perspective? Start with meditating on the Scriptures and becoming a living witness of the Word. The more you get to know Him, the more you'll become like Him. And the only way that is possible is from hours spent together and a life filled with shared companionship!

Talking with His disciples, Jesus said, "Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." -John 14:27


When your life is filled with bitterness or discontent, peace cannot fill your heart. But, a simple prayer like this can do wonders: "Lord Jesus, I have sinned, I need you to fix the problem of my heart, I beg for your forgiveness and I fervently ask for your peace."

Remember that Christianity is more than preventive psychiatry; it is a gift that brings eternal life and its by-product is peace.


In a world that honors outward achievement, tells people they will never have enough, and encourages an impossibly busy life, peace and contentment can feel like a distant dream.

But here is the secret: there can never be inward peace without satisfaction with what the Lord has already given you. Think about it this way: A parent only gives what is best for her children, but when a child is not content with what is given, what will that make a parent happy? Gratitude. This is similar to our Father, who provides us with countless blessings.

Let us always be grateful and content with what God is giving us and we will find inner peace.


A "witness" is someone who attests to a fact, so in order to be an effective witness, you must have a first-hand knowledge of Him. As you follow and live out the Word of God each day, you will become an true witness for Christ in this world.

"That. .. which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at, and our hand have touched-this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life." -1 John 1:1-3

Today, we who have experienced a new life in Christ, are able to give an account of His love and forgiveness, both verbally and in the way we live our lives. This is witnessing.


Life is too short to live with broken relationships. You'll be amazed how different you feel when you say, "I'd like to be your friend. Let's settle that issue that has divided us." In short, hold out the olive branch. Seek forgiveness and give it back in abundance.

We certainly cannot stop chaos in this world, but we can find God's peace in our own hearts. We can't eradicate the evil in this world, but for us Christians, we only have one instruction: to do good and be good.

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