When Pride Turns Blessings Into Rights


For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. -2 Corinthians 10:4-5

The thing about working for large public corporations is that unless you are very high up, you are at the mercy of the organization’s decision makers. We all understand that it is impossible to please everyone. Likewise, we all understand there is no perfect justice system in this world. Regardless, I still find myself in a state of unfounded anger when things are “just not fair”. If you are the lowest on the corporate hierarchy, like myself, changing circumstances at work can feel like you’re drifting aimlessly with the tide.

For example, this morning I discovered that a certain work benefit was being taken away and replaced with something inferior. That old familiar pang of indignation helplessness mixed with anger reared its ugly head. Never mind the objective reason that it is a for-profit company reallocating money from one thing to another, I felt indignant, affronted, entitled to the previous level of benefits I enjoyed before. I am neither the newest, the most senior employee, nor the one with the most responsibility. Still, somehow it felt like a personal insult in the face of my hard work and loyalty to the company.

After I had a moment to cool down, I was convicted in my spirit that something else was going on inside. This job is steady. My pay is not bad. I have very good health benefits. I enjoy a healthy work-life balance. My management stands behind me and my coworkers are conscientious. I am good at what I do and while I don’t consider this job my purpose in life, I believe it is preparing me for what is next. Why, then, was I so outraged by such a small change of circumstance which, honestly, could be worse?

There’s a deep disconnect between what we believe we are entitled to and the ebb and flow of circumstance. Now, I may only be a thirty-something millennial from southern California, but bear with me here: Pride is the root of sin everywhere. As citizens of the world we are steeped in this lie. Lenders, salespeople, marketing agencies, even your own trusted people will all tell you at some point that you deserve something simply because you exist. Some brand or motivational speaker declares, “You’re worth it”, and we believe that we are. But don’t miss the erroneous metamorphosis of a “blessing” into “right”. 

“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”  -Peter 5:8

So, how can we guard against these false prophets of pride?

Be in the Word and prayer daily

Remember, prayer isn’t about changing our circumstances. Prayer changes us as we connect with our Father and the Lord of Heaven. When we engage in prayer, we get to know ourselves in relation to the Father, and as we prayerfully read the Bible, little by little, with an open heart and mind, we get to know God: His character, His truths, and the overarching story of redemption that He is bringing to completion with each passing moment.

Let the Holy Spirit convict you and show you what this looks like. Don’t assume you have to do the same thing that your friend does - this is your relationship with God, so take ownership and watch how He grows you! 

Consider the input

What do you willingly allow into your mind - movies, TV shows, social media, etc? What messages are you accepting, whether intentionally or subconsciously?

These are personal questions and the answers will vary wildly from one believer to the next, based on experience, sensitivity, and where you are in your faith journey. It is important to recognize that the influence of this world on a believer is real. The enemy is really out there, and his greatest desire is to build up our tolerance for things that stand against God and His will for His children. Believers must take responsibility to actively monitor their own decisions and repent from disobedience.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. -Proverbs 4:23

Filter each message through the Truth of Scripture 

We must be careful to examine the messages we are fed every day.  Even well-meaning words can be destructive if we don’t have a healthy biblical filter of God’s word. I confess I struggle with this too, sometimes life just comes at you so fast that you really don’t take time to stop and remember to do this. It’s not an excuse to rely on what other people say, write or post online. Don’t even take your Pastor’s word without checking to make sure it is accurate. 

What comes out of my heart manifests in certain ways, like unkind words, or pride building up that causes anger to overtake my mood. When I notice myself reacting in these ways I can pretty much bet something is going on underneath the surface that needs to be dealt with.

What kind of benefit could I possibly deserve in my own merit? I have nothing to my name except for what my Father kindly and compassionately gives. Romans 3:23-24 says: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Thankfully, believers have the Holy Spirit to communicate and convict us of these things. Thanks be to God!

Where in your life do you feel entitled to a certain circumstance/blessing/outcome? 

How does pride manifest itself in your heart over this situation?

What do you need to repent of and change?


Molly Gonzalez is a full time working wife and mama living in Ojai, CA. She is passionate about the Word of God and discipleship. She especially loves to write about practical scripture application and finds the most joy when just sitting with a friend and a pot a coffee. Her writings can be found at mollylgonzalez.com.

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