Posts tagged father
Shoba's Corner: A Father's Love

We had just arrived in Chennai, India after hours of travel and transit. I looked around and, in the hustle, and bustle of the airport, I stopped for a moment adjusted my mask, and thanked God that we would soon be meeting our near and dear ones. It was almost lunchtime, so on the way home, I called my father. He sounded so happy to know that we had landed safely and were in Chennai (finally). ! I knew it was his nap time now so I quickly told Appa that I would come to meet him at 3 pm when he woke up.

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A Tirzah Response to the Shooting in Uvalde

Our enemy isn’t a weapon. It’s not even a broken, sinful man who committed a horrendous crime. It is a devil who laughs in the face of this incident. He rejoices to see the lives of innocent victims lost. As Christians, our response is “to overcome evil with good”. We cannot change what happens, but we can create acts of love from our Heavenly Father while here on earth.

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