REVIEW: Prayer Option in the Bible App


Two weeks ago, when I opened the YouVersion Bible App on my phone, I noticed there was a new update that included a prayer option. Since reading A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller with my community group, the Lord has been showing me more about prayer and I figured I’d implement some of what I have learned while using this new feature.

Before diving into the technological aspect, I wanted to share some of the practical tips the author shares with his readers. Paul Miller suggests using prayer cards/index cards to create a “snapshot of a person’s life.” While this example is specific to people, you can certainly customize it to fit circumstances as well. Miller also suggests putting “the Word to work by writing a Scripture verse on the card that expresses my desire for that particular person or situation.” These were very important tips I incorporated when using the new functionality in the Bible App. Here’s what you can do!

Create a prayer

If you’ve already created an account in the app, getting started is fairly easy. You simply tap the plus button, add a title to your prayer, and start writing it out. You can decide how wordy you would like to get in the “details” section of the prayer. So far I’ve created a handful of prayers, each with its own icon or tile. And while I’ve written out complete sentences for some, I also created bullet points for others prayers.

Post Updates

As the days have gone by, I’ve been able to post updates under each individual prayer. I like this feature because it allows me to document the progression of God’s work.

Share your prayer and create a chain by allowing others to share your prayer

If you have connected with friends on the app, it’ll be easy to share your prayer with others. Once you select the share option, you will also have to select if you would like others to share your prayer. Only you will be able post updates and make edits to it, however, those whom you’ve shared your prayer with will be able to view these changes in their account.

Mark as answered

Once your prayer has been answered, you can mark it as such. Then your prayer is moved to the “Answered” category and the tile disappears from the main list. Like stones of remembrance, it’s great to remember all that God has done. 

Mark as prayed for

Once you pray for something, you can tap the “Pray” button. You can pray as often as you would like but can only tap the pray button once a day. While this seems like a way for the app to track how many days you have prayed for something, I’m not sure if at some point it will notify you of your activity. Those with whom you’ve shared the prayer will be notified that you have prayed and vice versa.

Prayer Suggestions

Maybe you’re new to prayer or aren’t sure what to pray about. The prayer feature includes suggestions and phrase starters to help you get on your way. With sentence starters like “I’m thankful for...” and “I’m stressed about...” you can consider things that might be affecting you in the moment and begin praying about it.

Once you’re connected with others on the app, you can stay up to date with what is happening with a specific prayer. I also felt encouraged when I was notified that one of my friends had prayed for me and my situation. Overall, if you tend to use your phone for Bible reading and already have an account on the app, the prayer feature is fairly easy to use. I would highly recommend it for people who are trying to cultivate a life of prayer. 


Meagan is a Jersey girl doing life in New York City, as a Kindergarten teacher. She recently married her best friend. Meagan loves the Lord and serves and worships at a church plant. During her spare time she likes to read, travel, and eat good food.