Motherhood Mondays: A Home Brimming with Peace and Joy

mother holding swaddled baby

Christ is the head of this house

The unseen guest at every meal

The silent listener to every conversation

I remember these words written in gold on a red background hanging in our home in the dining room.

As a little girl, I loved that Jesus was part of our family, listening to every word. He was the head of the house and that gave me comfort and strength.

A mother plays a big part in setting the tone of the home. It does not require heaps of money but it does involve time and love in good measure.

If I had to describe the home I grew up in two words, I would choose JOY and TRUST. There was a calm delight through the ups and downs of life and a deep sure trust in God and in each other.

Rejoice in all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household.

Deuteronomy 26:11 NIV

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in Him.

Psalm 118:24 NIV

Life was not always easy. There were hard times- illness, struggles at school, and relationship issues but my parents did well in keeping the stability of the home intact.

A few practices which helped in this:

• A quick prayer before rushing off to school committing the day to God. (Mother prayed with us as we knelt in the bedroom).

• All decisions were made after calm thought and reflection. Always Appa (my father) had the final say.

• Each night, we had a family prayer time- when a passage was read, a song was sung and Appa prayed. This scene of us kneeling as a family in the living room at 9pm gave a stability and strength like nothing else could.

• There was no room for comparison, not between siblings, not with neighbors or family. Simplicity, honesty, creativity, and love flowed freely.

• There was lots of joy, and laughter and the larger family was always welcome.

One of my cousins Asha spent many summer breaks in our house. Recently she wrote to me saying how she enjoyed the simple, joyful experiences and especially the night prayers. She remembers my parents with affection and has a high regard for them.

As mothers and grandmothers let us take time to read, meditate and learn from these verses from God’s Word. 


God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in him.

1 John 4:16b


Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.

Ephesians 5:19 NIV


My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.

2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV


(The promise of) a peaceful dwelling place, secure homes, undisturbed places of rest.

Isaiah 31:18b


Impress God’s word on your children. Talk to them when you sit at home, when you walk on the road and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:7 NIV


Steep your life in God- reality, God – initiative and God – provision. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find your everyday human concerns will be met.

 Matthew 6:33 The Message

What is one thing God is calling you to do today? Make a decision, write it down in your journal. 

As mothers, we have the responsibility of tending to our home and giving our children a safe, joyous home. We cannot do it in our own strength but with God we can!

When you apply enthusiasm and thanksgiving to any job, it comes alive with exciting possibilities. -Marion Stroud

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