How God Led Me to Start a Home for Teen Moms: Part 6


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose…” - Rom. 8:28

As you’ve followed my story, I’m sure you’ve been surprised by the twists and turns.  Don’t worry - so am I.  While sitting here, this chapter of the book surprises me as well.  I was telling my best friend that this was not what I expected to be writing in May of 2020.  Once again, you’ve heard how my family’s story has led to me opening a home for teenage mothers in Parts 1, 2, and 3Part 5 was telling y’all how the wrong guy can distract you from Jesus and his calling on your life.  I’m going to circle back to Part 4.  Maybe you remember the numerous guys that helped me start my home?

Well, now I’d like to tell you about my favorite human.  He was one of my biggest cheerleaders in starting a home for teenage mothers.  I’m still not quite sure how it happened, but for years I was sitting in the pew of a mega-church all alone.  One day I looked next to me and there were three guys sitting by me.  The group would lessen and grow - at one point almost 2 rows of people.  We were a band of misfits.  All different races - people that were young adults and people that didn’t know where else they belonged.

I remember hosting my first big fundraiser for my non-profit.  There was a group of men that came in and I didn’t even really know who they were.  I started noticing a trend in that group.  The same quiet guy seemed to be orchestrating things.  It became even more noticeable when I found myself in a weekly Tuesday night Bible study at the same guy’s house.  Every time I turned around somehow this dude ended up in the same ministry as me.

Can I tell you something even crazier?  I still ignored this for about a year.  Kept hanging around some other people.  He still stayed in all the same places.  Also, every time I was feeling discouraged about the progress for starting my home, I’d find him and he’d tell me how when Jesus was behind something, He would make it happen.  This man seemed to love ministry, non-profits, and missions maybe as much as I did.  I would want to get people together to see movies about ending abortion, praying to end abortion, or to have Bible studies.  He would be the first one involved.

On top of all these things, he started working at an inner - city ministry as well.  He started bringing young adults and youth from the inner - city to church with him.  We both ended up on the same trip to visit the LA Dream Center and practiced our Spanish giving out food to a local Hispanic community.  Comparing the countries we’d been to and the experiences we’d had in them.  This all reminded me of a saying my friend had about dating.  He said:

“Serve God.  Look around and see if there’s a guy around.  Notice them and get back to kingdom work.  Look up again and see if they’re still around.  Still there?  Keep serving.  Look up and they’re still there?  Say hi and get back to work.  Still there?  Notice that person.  Date them.  Maybe more.”

I’d always loved this quoted.  I never quite expected it to apply to my life.  At the time, I had people telling me what a great single missionary I was.  Relationships were on my mind, but I was never sure they applied to me because of my calling.  Now?  I don’t know.  Like, my friend said look up and get back to serving God.  I’m telling you these things because I want you to know what to look for in a guy.

Look for the guy that loves Jesus.  The quiet one in the back who doesn’t need the spotlight.  Look for the guy who humbly serves God and wins souls for Jesus.  Find the guy that every time you try to follow him, he points you back to Christ.  Look for the one who shows hospitality to those in need.  The best guys aren’t always the ones that are in the spotlight.  Sometimes they’re the ones quietly standing, faithful to those God has called them to love.