Don't Grow Weary

Information overload. Do those words ring any alarms for you? They do for me, especially right now in the times we’re living in. Everything feels so heavy in the world—and it is! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. Do you? I think it’s okay to admit when we are not “okay”. One place I often feel frustrated is while I’m on social media. There are such great things about social media and I am an advocate for all of them. I love to be a light in that corner of the internet and I do believe that God can use each of us who belong to Him, even through our social media accounts. A frustrating side of social media is reading everyone’s opinions on everything under the sun.

Can you sense my weariness? My exhaustion with it all? I believe that if I am feeling this way, surely someone else out there is feeling the same way. I thought I’d share something uplifting here, something practical, something useful that we can all participate in. 

Our world is overwhelmingly dark right now, though for a lot of people in other parts of the world, it is far more so. What do we do with all of these feelings we have? Well, one thing we can do—the BEST thing we can do right now is to pray at all times, without ceasing. You can do this with a group of people, with one trusted friend, or you could pray on your own. My church family has one day every week when we pray for 24 hours, divided into thirty minute time slots. I believe there is power in prayer and who knows what our prayers could be accomplishing? When you pray, pray for issues pertaining to the Kingdom of God. I pray for the lost to be saved, that God would grant wisdom and direction to our leaders in this country, that He would grant us the strength to stand boldly for our faith and the courage to make His name known. 

I love this reminder from Philippians 4:8 in the CSB translation—

Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things.”-Philippians 4:8 CSB

What a wonderful reminder of all that we can focus on in troubling times. Now, I am not suggesting that we bury our heads in the sand about events taking place in the world. We need to know what is going on in our world and within our communities, but we must also remember that when it all seems overwhelming, we can go to our Almighty God and Father. I love this verse from the book of Psalms:

“From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. “ -Psalm 61:2, NIV

We can ask God to use us as beacons of light amidst a hurting world. More than ever, we have an opportunity to share the hope of Jesus to people who are willing to listen. All around, people are hurting and fearful—take the time to slow down and look for a way to be a blessing to someone in need. These times don’t have to be full blown gospel conversations! Yes, there is always a time and place for those, but we could also offer words of encouragement, smiles and conversation. I don’t get out much these days, but I almost always strike up a conversation with people I run into. Just be willing!

think one last thing we can do is to consider what we post on social media. I read something recently that Dave Willis, pastor and writer, said on Facebook—

”Be careful with too much news. We’re the first generation in all of human history who has 24/7 access to all the world’s problems at our fingertips. Technology has outpaced the human capacity to handle the information. We weren’t meant to process all the world’s chaos, and when we try, it only creates stress, anxiety and frustration. Have an idea of what’s happening in the world (and in your specific community), but also have peace in knowing that you can’t solve the world’s problems. Do what you can do to love your family, serve your community and make a positive impact where you can, but sleep in peace knowing the rest is in God’s hands.”

Let’s all commit to pray for all of these things we keep seeing/hearing/reading about and let’s all pray for one another as believers. I love what Paul says in Galatians 6:9—

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 ESV

Aren’t we all weary? Let’s keep encouraging those around us, and let’s definitely keep praying. I hope this encourages you and inspires you today.


Jennifer Goodwin is a wife, and mom to four (almost) grown sons. The Lord has called her to serving in several different ministries within her church home, some of which are bible study and leading younger women, and helping in the leading of worship on Sundays. During the week you can find her writing on her blog, Overflowing With Thanksgiving and encouraging others through her favorite social media outlet: Instagram. Follow along with her and be encouraged at @jenlloydgoodwin.