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Shoba's Corner: A Father's Love

We had just arrived in Chennai, India after hours of travel and transit. I looked around and, in the hustle, and bustle of the airport, I stopped for a moment adjusted my mask, and thanked God that we would soon be meeting our near and dear ones. It was almost lunchtime, so on the way home, I called my father. He sounded so happy to know that we had landed safely and were in Chennai (finally). ! I knew it was his nap time now so I quickly told Appa that I would come to meet him at 3 pm when he woke up.

As scheduled, I walked in at 3 pm. There was Appa ready to meet me. He was so happy. We held hands in quietness it had been nearly 3 years since we met. His frail, weak hands were now shaking because of the onset of Parkinson’s. I noticed nonslip socks on his feet. He had told me they were from a dear friend and that they kept him from falling over. “Come let’s have tea,” he said. We both loved our tea times!!! I took out some biscuits I had brought from NZ. We dunked our biscuits in the hot tea and enjoyed them as they disappeared into our mouths. 

I pulled out a few papers I had to show Appa. We shared our love for words, books, reading, and people. I showed him a card my friend and colleague, Georgia, gave me. ‘ I loved working with you’ the card said.’ Our communication was seamless. I saw Appa read the card slowly. A gentle smile appeared on his face. He was thrilled to see the handmade cards my students had made for me, 5 and 6-year-olds. His eyes brightened up even more.

‘Come I want you to meet the cook and Jaisree who helps me at work.’ My 86-year-old father whisked me away to his consulting room next door. Jaisree was lovely, full of smiles and confidence! I had nothing else to offer but a few biscuits and my love and thanks. The cook brought in some goodies. I thanked her too. My dear brother, sister-in-law, and their girls lived with my father. It was beautiful meeting all of them. They had made sure that everything was taken care of- meals on time, a clean home, and a well-kept garden. I was so grateful.

Over the next couple of weeks, I enjoyed showers of love, quiet moments, and heart-to-heart chats with my dear father.

Appa’s love reminded me of God’s love in many ways. This Father’s day, I hope you sat back and basked in the goodness of God’s love for you.

How is God’s love described in the following verses? (Note down words/phrases)

  • Jeremiah 31:3

  • John 15:13

  • Psalm 90:14

  • Psalm 86:5,15

  • Psalm 36:7

  • Hosea 14:4a

  • Psalm 109:21

Find the meaning of these words

  • Steadfast

  • Abounding

  • Unfailing

  • Everlasting