14 Ways To Spend Your Time Under the Coronavirus Quarantine


As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads around the globe, a lot of people are either under self-imposed or mandatory quarantine for a couple of weeks (or even months). Events have been canceled, people are staying home from work or working remotely, and travel is restricted. This means many of us now have a lot of time to fill at home. It’s so tempting to turn on Netflix or find some other form of entertainment, so we wanted to put together a list of other things to fill our time with that are more edifying:

For your spiritual health

1. Catch up on Bible reading (or just read more Bible that you usually do). One of the most common excuses for not reading the Bible for many of us is that we don’t have the time. Well, now you have the time. Use it for something with eternal value! 

2. Pray. Ditto on the above. Now you have the time and also plenty of things to pray for (e.g., stopping the spread of the Coronavirus, protection for your loved ones, and all those other needs you’ve been meaning to pray about but haven’t gotten around to). 

3. Start and complete a Bible study. The typical quarantine duration is 14 days, which is the perfect amount to start and even complete an entire Bible study. Check out our shop for devotional Bibles studies that are all digital and range from 10 to 21 days! 

4. Take a day of fasting. It’s rare to have days without a ton of errands, events, meetings, appointments and things to do, so why not take this time to fast for your spiritual health/renewal or a need heavy on your heart?

5. Stream sermons online (video or podcast).  A lot of churches have canceled in-person gatherings, but there are so many archived church services online (if not from your own church, from other churches around the world). Stream a sermon on Youtube, from a church website or on a podcast to fill the time you would have otherwise spent at church. 

For your mental health

6. Speaking of podcasts, turn on a podcast instead of spending all of your time in front of the TV. Whether it’s a podcast related to personal development, work, faith or just for fun, it’s a better for your eyes and mental health than binge watching shows all day. 

7. Do something creative. Paint, write, draw, crochet, etc. Revive an old hobby or learn a new skills to exercise the creative parts of your brain that you may otherwise neglect because you’re busy with work and all the other things on your to-do list that are more practical and take priority in daily life. 

8. Read a book.

9. Declutter and organize. For those of us who are transitioning into the spring season, now is a good time as any to start on spring cleaning, beginning with purging and throwing out all the stuff we allow to pile up that don’t spark joy or are just never actually used or enjoyed. 

10. Make someone smile. Do a random act of kindness for someone. Call your mom or grandma. Send an encouraging text to a friend. Offer to drop off groceries for an elderly person in your church. Have a deep conversation with a friend or family member. Pour love and light into someone’s life - we all need more of that right about now.

For your physical health 

11. Take a walk or do something outdoors. Use precaution to keep your distance from others and stay away from large gatherings, but take the time to slow down and do something active and outdoors. 

12. Take your vitamins and eat healthy. A strong immune system is helpful right about now, so start or maintain those healthy eating habits. 

13. Catch up on sleep. Our bodies restore themselves while we sleep, so take advantage of an empty calendar and time at home to catch some zzz’s.

14. Tackle a project at home that it’s been on your list for awhile. If not know, then when, right? 

The world may be panicking around us, but remember: we are the children of a God who has everything under His control. Nothing happens outside of His will.  It will be okay. We are His, y’all!


Yelena is the founder and editor in chief Tirzah. Yelena works as an attorney in tax and in her spare time, she is working on her first book for unmarried twenty-something women in extended waiting seasons and running Tirzah. She has a passion for pointing young women to Christ, and enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.