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12 Ways To Love People As A Single Person

Another Valentine’s Day rolled around and I’m still on my own.

 And you know what? I’m okay. Not “okay” as in bitter and four cats away from being a grumpy old cat lady. Not “okay” as in hoping-if-I-am-okay-God-will-remind-me-with-a-boyfriend.

No. I’m really, truly okay. Because the thing is, as a single woman, my focus can be so vast: “ the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit,” as 1 Cor 7:33 puts so well.

 I can be that person who volunteers to babysit so a young couple can finally get a date night; I can be the person who invites the new girl at church over to my apartment for banana bread. I can be the person who is selflessly hospitable because, after all, what else do I have to do but wash my one plate and fold my laundry?

 The antidote to dissatisfaction, whether it be about not having a boyfriend or not having the perfect physique, or not having that waffle iron you’ve got your eye on, is reaching out to others. I get it, that doesn’t always sound like a great solution. After all, after an 8-hour day of work, do you really want to have someone over? Isn’t it easier to just unwind with some YouTube and a cozy blanket? 

 Love is an action. 

“We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.’”-1 John 4:19-21

 So, how can you love people throughout the year?

 [Please note that some of these may have to be adjusted according to COVID restrictions. Use your discernment, please!]

1.     Invite a friend over for a midweek Bible study. You provide the desserts and tea!

2.     Specifically ask people how you can pray for them and keep track, texting people when you pray for them.

3.     Take up the ancient art of being a penpal.

4.     Volunteer to mentor a younger woman.

5.     Ask your church for a list of shut-ins and widows; write them cards.

6.     Respond to missionary emails/letters. 

7.     Help a friend be accountable in doing their devotions.

8.     Start an online weekly prayer time or Bible study. Be the reason someone grows in their faith!

9.     Send someone your favorite book (doing this through Amazon is insanely easy; so easy that it’s dangerous for a book lover like me!).

10.  Take notice. Is your coworker having a bad day? Buy them a coffee.

11.  Ask a coworker to take a walk with you. Make it a point to brighten their day through a good conversation and some fresh air.

12.  Send a care package to someone. Be creative! Someone missing their northern home may enjoy a snowglobe and some hot chocolate, while a southerner would appreciate a packet of grits and a Chick-Fil-A gift card.

 We’d love to hear your ideas on encouraging others! Comment them below so we can add them to this list.



Amanda Brown is loves reading Emily Dickinson poems, dancing in the rain, and telling stories that are a little over-exaggerated. Her perfect day includes drinking rosebud tea, snacking on a honey-covered rice cake, and watching a BBC drama with her mom and sister. She has run a blog and magazine, Oh Beloved One, since she was 12 and loves her title as Blogger, Head Editor, and Head Designer. You can find her at Oh Beloved One.