Romans: In Our Defense
Romans: Week SIX
Read Romans 3:1-20
When Jesus opened the door for Gentiles to be numbered with the Jews as those who will one day receive an eternal inheritance, the New Testament Jews appeared to think they had a special advantage because they were Jewish. But in chapter 3, Paul attempts to level the playing field, reminding the Roman church that both Jews and Gentiles are sinners before God.
Read Romans 3:1-20 and journal through the following questions this week:
What is Paul’s main point with this passage?
What advantage do Jews have over Gentiles?
Regardless of this advantage, what do Jews and Gentiles have in common in the eyes of God?
Romans 3:3 talks about the sin of unbelief. Explain in your own words what Paul is trying to say in this verse.
What does it mean that no one does good / is righteous?
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Well, I’m not that bad. I’m actually a pretty good person.” Read verses 10-18 where Paul quotes Psalm 14:1-3:
What does not having a fear of God before our eyes result in?
See if any of these things apply to you: Have you ever lied? Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings by your words or tone of voice? Are you bitter toward anyone? Do you become angry with those who strongly disagree with you?
Read verses 19-20.
Why will every mouth be silenced/stopped when judgment comes?
What can the law not do? What can it do?
When we are accused of doing something wrong, our initial reaction is often to get defensive. We do the same thing before God. But, based on this passage, how should we stand before God?
Take some time to read a few commentaries on these passages (BibleHub is a great resource). Jot down notes on what stood out to you from these commentaries.
Reflect & Respond
What does this passage teach me about God?
How does this change the way I live?
Scripture to memorize
For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin. -Romans 3:20 (ESV)
As a reminder, if you’d like to discuss the above study questions or ask other questions about what we’re reading, post it here and we’ll figure it out together!
Yelena is the founder and editor in chief Tirzah. Yelena works as an attorney in tax and in her spare time, she is working on her first book for unmarried twenty-something women in extended waiting seasons and running Tirzah. She has a passion for pointing young women to Christ, and enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and spending time with her family.