Hello all! Welcome to Day 1 of Tirzah in the Word 2022. We are excited to have you & join in this journey together.
This is a reminder that you can click the link below to view our March Guide & get started on this month’s journey. I, Alycia, will be facilitating the discipleship portion of Tirzah in the Word with our monthly topics & guides. Chanel will be facilitating the monthly Bible readings & Bible studies. We’ve had a blast dreaming and collaborating to create this space for you to grow in your faith!
Please hop over to our “Community Discussion” section of Tirzah in the Word to introduce yourself and announce how you want to join in our March Fasting Challenge! This is quick, easy access to remind you of what March is about, but rather than commenting below - join the community discussion to get to know each other more. I, Alycia, will be doing my best to pop in once a day and chat/answer questions.
One day a week I will be completely absent as I am a strong believer in practicing the Sabbath. The other days - I’ll be around though. Our dream is that Tirzah in the Word is an intentional community of online women from around the world discussing Jesus together and growing in our relationships with Jesus. Let’s start growing together!