What Does It Mean to Be Made in the Image of God?


From the early years of Sunday school, to the sermons we listen to, we likely have heard the saying ‘we are created in the image of God’ (Genesis 1:27).  As Christians, we are told that because we have been made in the image of God, and we know full well that this is true, this then is the reason that makes us special.  That because God is our creator, we can then know the essence of our identity and how this fits into our mission to share the Gospel with others. 

I have always loved to think about how amazing it is that the God who created the magnificent mountains, divine beings, and the most exquisite nature backdrops, also created us each individually in His image.  I mean how cool is that?  But other than knowing this, what does it really mean for us?  How does this change our perspective of the world? And is the essence of human nature one in which we all then share?  There is so much to think about when looking at how this impacts us not only as God’s creations, but also people who are created with purpose!

“You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.  You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet.” -Psalm 8:5-6 (NIV)

The concept of the image of God is important to the Christian faith, and the way we see and understand ourselves through God’s eyes.  From the beginning, in the Genesis narrative, the Bible talks about the divine imagery and how it was something that was specific to the human race.  It talks about the presence of God and suggests that because we are made in the image of God, it then separates us from all other creatures.  Genesis 1:26 says:

 “Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (NIV)

In this, we can then understand that this divine image entails a special kind of accountability humans have before God.  We as humans have special status: image bearers.  God has specific intentions for us and we are called for not just an ordinary life, but an extraordinary one! (1)  I love thinking about this, and the fact that being made in the image of God is not only just a fact, but it is something that gives us a closer connection to God, more than any of His other creations.  We are special.  We are created with purpose!

When we think about being made in the image of God, it can be hard to comprehend sometimes.  If we think about it in a physical kind of way, we have nothing to compare it to.  In early Biblical times, kings used to rule regions and proclaimed themselves to be God’s image on earth.  In many different cultures, they would also create statues made of wood and stone which the people worshipped and viewed as representations of God. 

However in the Christian faith, this is not what the image of God looks like. For when Jesus came to earth to save us, He left a great example of how to live life fully in a way that is pleasing to God, and invites us to be a part of His kingdom.  We have been given the tools to be set apart from the world, therefore fully embracing our image-bearing role. 

Our place and position in God’s narrative isn’t an afterthought, but planned out carefully and purposefully by God.  Being an image bearer of God is a special title handed to us because God loves us. This is our identity and defines who we are in relation to our relationship with God.  Our identity is one of great responsibility and power.  When I think about this, it makes me feel so grateful and loved.  It’s like out of all of His wonderful creations, God chose to partner with us to fulfill His plans, and in knowing that, we must believe we are special and beloved.

I find it comforting to know that although we live in a broken world, we are not defined by our past actions and our identity lies in Christ, the one who came to save us and give us new hope for a new day. 

There was a time where I began to doubt myself. I saw myself through the lens of my past mistakes.  I would tell myself that I was not good enough and was undeserving.  However, because I was and have always been a beloved daughter of our creator, I was reminded that I was much more than what I saw myself as.  I learned through God’s word and through amazing people in my life that what my own thoughts were telling was not true. Instead, I was a child of God.  One of worth, value, and unconditionally loved.  I am made in the image of God. And nothing will ever change that.

We are created in the image of God. We have received, and are fulfilling, God’s divine design. God’s intentions for us are to be aware of this and mirror the nature of creation into the world.  We have a special standing in the eyes of the Lord, and are recipients of God's commands and His works.  We have great responsibility in representing Him to all creation. 

This is not for our own purposes, but that of a higher goal to reflect the divine character.  We are in fellowship with God.  Therefore, our relationship is a special connection: because He loved us, we in turn reciprocate love back. 

Our identity is rooted in God.  As we live out the designed destiny God has for us, it is there that we truly understand the importance of what it means to be made in the image of God, and how we can best share that truth with the world around us.


(1) Stanley J. Grenz, Theology foor the Community of God (Cambridge:William B.Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000), p.174.


Jacinda has travelled internationally spreading the word of God with her performing arts. She has a continual passion to share hope into a world of hurt and darkness, and through her story of struggle and redemption, prays that others will also come to know Gods amazing love. Jacinda was the founder of the online faith publication 'Hearts of Gold Magazine' and now currently runs the blog 'The Contented Life' (the-contented-life@blogspot.com) - dedicated to all things relating to motherhood. She has a Bachelor in Theology, Diploma in Christian Studies, and a Certificate in Performing Arts. She is now a full-time stay at home mum to a beautiful little boy, currently residing in a small town called Thames, located in the beautiful coromandel of New Zealand.